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  • Healthy Life Summit Schedule | Village Green Network
    Just a link I thought you might like. The presentations are free for 24 hours. I think there might be some interesting stuff about food and depression on there. :)
    Thanks pal! Not such a happy time of the year for a shy person like me lol! Wishing you a happy spring as well!
    I don't go out except for my classes really. I do /try/ my very hardest to go out and do things though. Today was a rare day though, I actually went to the beach. Thanks for asking.
    Thank you,Man. :)
    The chance for that job is long gone unfortunately.
    But honestly...I don't know that I'd want to work there anyway.
    The company kind of gets alot of hate from employees both current and former.

    Thank you for the links.
    And thank you for taking the time to find them for me.
    Incredibly kind of you.
    I've been applying to a ton of places in the past couple days.
    So I'm sure they'll be very useful. :)

    Hope you're well
    I was too much of a coward to go. I was told that I was going to have to be interviews by three people at the same time. And....that's too much for me to handle. I'm hating myself today.
    Hello, well after a pm from a friend on here, i realised i am bein drastic sayin i won't come bk. Just had a proper poopy day today. :sad: But im goin to bed now so hopefully i'll feel better in the mornin. Thank you for your msg tho, it was really nice of you! :)

    From the drama queen. :eek:mg:
    Hey thanks. :)
    It's not going to be as easy as they painted it though.
    I still have to go through the interview process.
    She was just able to get me in there.
    I have an interview tomorrow at 3:30 :/
    I'm absolutely terrified..haha
    Thanks, same to you actually! and remember...

    I advise you write down your history and do a bit more research/look up questions the psychiatrist will ask you regarding bipolar so you're prepared. Nothing to fear. If you are, your mood can be balanced.
    Regarding your new post, I noticed that when I'm around someone who is equally as depressed or worse off, one of us ends up taking a positive role to encourage the other. When placing two depressed people together.. I'm not sure if one person usually ends up taking that "cheerer upper" role. Eventually the sucking part ends up getting to one of us, and we want to get out of that funk. Might be rambling..
    You got that right, haha! Must be something in the oestrogen. ;) Write them out if you need to - if it helps, then that's okay.
    Well, gosh. :shyness: Thanks, buddy. I like your posts, so continue being a positive influence around here! :) I did have a great time with Fiona, thank you. :)
    Not really, more like I'm losing my mind or am bipolar. Thanks for checking in
    Lmao haha yay i'll be a MILF whoop whoop :applause:....well I find a lot of men look better with age....just look at Sean Connery 82 years old and still a babe <3
    i liked the flower too... but i cant tell if that is a potato in the background or not...
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