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  • Oh MY GOD!!! LOL!!! hey, that scalp massage is pretty good, way to go. (eyes rolling into the back of my head)
    Haha thanks and yeahhh your right i've got a few more years of youthful looks left and i'm glad i didn't bring u down.... :)
    I've noticed a lot of your replies around the forum and I have to say that you give out some pretty awesome advice. You seem like a pretty chill guy and I like that. Hope you're going really well, mate.
    Thanks. :) It's just really tough trying to deal with it. My family...they're not the best people. Being homeless would be my absolute last choice. But I can't help but feel like I will end up there someday anyway.
    Sure no problem!! I was a psych major yes lol but graduated in 2011..now I'm a psych tech not sure if I made the right decision :/
    Thanks :) I barely slept.. the snow is melting so the geese have been coming back (with a vengeance) having their tri-daily 6 AM meetings outside my complex.. whee..
    LOL, both wrong. I'm so American, like the white, pasty kind that get 2nd degree burns if the sun hits your skin for 30 seconds kinda white, lol!
    Yup, having a good day, thanks :)
    Hope you're doing well :)
    Haha that's really a wonderful idea. I do eat healthy mostly when I've uni though so I guess I tend to over compensate in vacations and I always end up getting sick.
    Thank you, I'm still feeling sick unfortunately. I'm glad you're eating healthy if only I could do that!
    Hey, thats great! I am doing very well, thank you. I am getting all kinds of chores done, and then later I will venture out to go to a bar for a drink... non-alcoholic..just for the experience. Exposure therapy after a fashion... Have fun with your nephews... :)
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