Yeah thought so. I didn't know who it was when he had it as his avatar; but now I'm a big fan of it and wanted to put it somewhere so thought I'd make it profile picture and not avatar so that less people get confused It's Alex from the movie A Clockwork Orange, which is based upon the book of the same name. I'm yet to see the movie, but I'm reading the book these days, halfway through now, and I'm ridiculously loving it for some reason. And I really like how complex and charming his character is (Alex, that is) regardless of how evil he is/was (depends on what happens next). And I found that this picture from the movie perfectly captures what you'd imagine he would look like (which is rare with movies based upon books). So yeah, I liked it even before watching the movie. I could go on about what else I like about the book but then someone might confuse me for you!