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  • Hello Saskia; I haven't talk to you for a while. I've been busy... But not anymore I quit my job yesterday. We need to talk, talk, talk.... :) How have you been?
    hi saskia. i read ur post b4, the one that sort of turned slightly out of hand. im so sorry if the comments i typed were in any way offensive. well ive been going thru this since forever. ive been conscious of my body maybe since 5-7, but its 14 when it got really bad. im almost 28 now.. ive felt better recently opening up in this site. i havnt really opened up about it b4 even if i signed up here 3 years ago so its a step for me. anyway i hope ur doing well and i wish u all the best. :)
    Miss Sassy, in your SA question list thread, what do you mean by:
    11.Do you have good support from your inforement?
    Its not translating well???? :]
    Lookin' good with the short hair, Saskia. you look like a model! Cute gf, you look happy together
    Thank you Saskia, I spoke with you in my first day here!! I remember :)
    Everything Ok?
    Hey Saskia:), Hope you are going well.:) Actually the pic in my avatar is just one I found in Google too.
    Hey Saskia, I found this gorgeous pic of Milla Jovovich when I was looking for a new avatar; I think she looks like you!!! :D
    Hi Saskia:) I like your new avatar pic! It's so cute.:) Is that your pet or just a photo you found?
    Sounds like fun! Empty restaurants are always the best ones :D I'm actually in my last year of high school right now, but in the fall I plan on going to college to study Nutrition and Dietetics.
    Haha I knew it! I've been doing pretty well and my weekend was so nice, sad to see it go since I'm now back to school. :p How was your weekend? The weather here has been nothing but rain :( I need some sunshine!
    Hey Saskia :) If I'm correct, I believe this is your post? That's a pretty awesome picture. Very nice!
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