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  • Hey cutie, thanks for the pic comments ;) - Just wondering how you're doing nowadays? Hope you're doing well :)
    Hi dear, thanks for the comments on my pics. I did enjoy Scotland and surprised myself since I've always thought I had more city-girl in me :) It was a very mystical and ancient place but I would like to visit Canada for its scenery as well, some day :)
    for your pad:

    Hey I just thought i'd let you know that unless they're specifically looking for THC during your test you should be OK
    Hey! I basically diagnosed myself, actually someone at another forum said, hey you might have this.. I went to my doctor with a Wikipedia printout :D and then she put me to some tests for what could be causing it (Lyme's and ear doctor, he wrote the official diagnosis too, be careful of ear doctors though, some don't know much about it and some tests can make it worse!) Go to hyperacusis forums if you suspect you might have it, and look around, and see for nutrition info on sound sensitivity!
    You don't have to say anything :). I really do appreciate your presence in this forum - you are overwhelmingly mature and wise for your age... I wish we had more people like you ;) Welcome back!
    Hey EscapeArtist! I hate sound sensitivity too... I think this world really is often too loud and some people are just not aware of it and can cause permanent damage to their ears this way... Were you officially diagnosed with hyperacusis?
    Hey, like I said, it's no problem - I think you're super cool (you're very intelligent, compassionate and cool - specially for a 17 year old! :eek:). I just want you to be back and sharing all that knowledge with us :cool: I don't really care if you don't do the challenge or if you even hate me - I still appreciate what you have to offer this forum in terms of knowledge about overcoming SA and your fun positive attitude. Welcome back :cool:
    Hey where are you? You haven't been here for a while... Is it the whole exposure thing? I don't care if you don't do it! Just come back and hang out :). Come back, you cuteness! ;)
    It's warm and wet. I don't recall very many sunny days when I was in that area, but that's typically what I prefer. There's a smoldering volcano not too far away, which is one of the world's most active. I bet we'll end up forming a traveling clan or something, growing dreads and dancing around the fire lol.

    Don't let me keep you up, haha. You should be sleeping.
    lol Yeah, here we go again. Ahh!

    It's confusing. I have all the time in the world, yet I never utilize that time to do anything imperative and then I complain about how quickly time flies and how the years have gone by. Well, I'm going to volunteer at a women's professional tennis tournament, which has me both excited and nervous. With that, I'm throwing myself into the fire and i'll see if I can withstand the heat. I'm making an ATTEMPT to leave the house each day and I've been somewhat successful with that (even though it's mostly to a nearby park with the dog) and I'm exhaustingly studying for that GED test. I've also been submitting applications for various menial jobs, just to start saving money. What steps are you taking? Confused about what?
    Hey! I don't think of it as complaining. If something is making you unwell, you definitely have a right to scream at the top of your lungs and stomp your feet. See, I won't put you in the corner for a timeout.

    As for me, these past few weeks have been monotonously repeating in the same fashion and it's challenging my belief that there will be change. Call it impatience, but I'm restless and I expect sooner progress.

    Hmm, after we endure the wet climate of the Big Island, maybe a trip to the desert is in order. I think Hilo is considered the wettest city in America.

    Here's a hidden beach near the camp. It's a nude beach, though.
    It's all right, just trying to keep my paranoia in its cage though lol. I realize that it can be an exhausting process sometimes, especially considering our topics, so don't worry about it.

    Yes, pictures of children with fire is somehow always aesthetically pleasing to me -- I need help. Have you been to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico? The name of that town seems stranger than Roswell itself.

    Hmm, I'm walking through this night and my feet are tired. Any idea why you're low?
    Hey you,

    I'm replying to you now, but knowing myself, who knows how long it will take until it's sent lol. Just wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling? :)
    ::(: I read your rant. I'm so sorry you feel this way. Did you get my email? I said some uplifting things to you, but I know words are sometimes ineffective when we're in so much pain. Anything I can do to help? I want to be there for you, somehow. I'm on your level, so there's no need to worry about bringing me down with you or causing my life further damage.
    4.A price that I'm still paying for. I'm always plotting and playing this sick game of chess instead of acting as a son to a mother. There's absolutely nothing left between her and I. Do you believe there's a connection between your childhood/family and social phobia? Is there any explanation as to why she was so cold and allergic to emotions or what her children felt? You also mentioned not seeing your dad often (I don't have any kind of relationship with mine, I don't even know where he is), what is that like? I'm deeply sorry.

    You're resorting to booze? ::(:
    3.I've been called sweet before, but the sweetness does very little for my non-existent love life. ::p:

    I believe there is a strong correlation between what went on during childhood and my social phobia. I can relate to what you say about your mother. It's impossibly difficult to ascertain the full truth and what is to blame for the way I've evolved to be, but my childhood and all that it entailed surely contributed to my natural nature of fear and anxiety. By having to raise yourself shortly after leaving diapers and having to lick your own wounds, (mostly inflicted by those who are supposed to protect you), you acquire these unfortunate modes of operating, such as smiling when sad or laughing instead of crying.
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