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  • DEUS! You can't pick my bones. You're a lemur not a vulcher. :p

    Eatin' partners, of course. When you flyin' up here?

    I've been okay then not okay then okay again... Have I told you about how life is a circular spiral? Pretty soon life's progress will entangle in the tightly packed centre creating a dot then implode! Yay!!! I'm so happy...!
    Swell as well! I'm moving in a little over a week! And yup, I'm still on skype pretty regularly. Might not be for a little bit though 'cause my internet is stupid at my apartment. But you should definitely come chat!
    Ahhh ok. Anime does that crap a lot and it annoys the living hell out of me. I didnt know there was an actual name for it though.
    It's a conspiracy I say. They know that we could do a better job then any ''person'' could. Our time will come, my friend. And then.. streamlining and efficiency everywhere! >:O

    But in all seriousness, welcome back. How've you been? :3
    Thanks for the add man :) Ive been meaning to ask, what your screen name about?
    You're so nice! *Hugs* I hope you're having a stupendously wonderful weekend, fellow emapth :p lol about the gas aspect-thats crazy!! haha
    Well, thank you! That was the title coyote gave me, so I'm stuck with it. But really, isn't everything superfluous? .... I shouldn't get philosophical. I'm not very good at it. :)
    Thanks, Lemur. :)

    School is going okay. Eh, I'm still stressing, I haven't made any friends, and I've mostly just been bored. I have been feeling quite down lately too, just because I'm so lonely. I do try to go out, and I did today cuz I had a whole bunch of stuff to do and a class to go to. But even when I go out I get overwhelmed with anxiety. I have to force myself to talk and in class I can't even say a word, I feel so paralyzed.

    I just need patience though. I haven't signed up for counseling yet. I'm still holding off. I want to see if my mood or anxiety will change once I join some clubs and go out more. I have a doubt, but I'm at least going to try.
    Awe THANKS :) :) Ur right, just get the process started at I will. What have you been doing to help further your career? I will take this opportunity to ride u a bit about that :p you can tell me it's none of my business and to got to hell too LOL
    Not as much as there, I guess, so people will only see that already-weird guy with another weird guy in his shirt XD
    Oh really?
    Thanks, but I was just joking haha
    People stare at me enough without funny shirts :D
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