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  • Sorry but I don't respond to visitor messages that heavy. You definitely have a great gift of expression, but heavy things like that just freak me out. Sorry.:)
    Hey, we need someone to take care of that pesky alien problem! :) Yeah, it is, especially on a site as nice as this one.
    Hey. No real reason, but you're a cool guy so why not, right? :) Thanks for accepting.
    I have my good drink in hand (pink lemonade) and my CD burner up and running. But if you would like to attempt to tickle my fancy, be my guest. ;)
    No prob, I thought I had already added you for some reason lol
    Yes you can call me Joanna Wayne, that's pretty funny. I tried to think of a female equivalent for Clint Eastwood, but... ugh. Too dirty sounding.

    My name is Cloud... it's a variation of a former username based loosely on a sky motif. My real name is Skye. Nice to meet you!
    Please don't feel that way! I really was just joking. I usually don't realize how cruel my sense of humor is until it's too late. I'm truly sorry, and you did no such thing. I know you were just joking around and so was I, so please don't feel like you did something wrong. I'm the one who wronged you ::(:
    I hope that didn't offend you. I was just joking ::(:
    All this flirting is just making me feel bad because well... I already gave the reasons before and I don't want to give you a headache again with all my self-loathing.
    What kind of equestrian sport are you thinking about entering? Good luck with it and I hope you reawaken the passion burning inside of you:D!

    Thanks! I don't know, I haven't done a lot of riding yet. I just love horses and especially the feeling of galloping fast. I don't care for the English style of riding; I prefer the Western variety, with the cowboy hat and everything.
    Life isn't a fairytale mister, plenty of people die alone all the time and who is to say I'll be any different?
    Yeah, that plot is used a lot, but I mean, you really can't beat King in my mind...

    Hm, well I hope it goes well *crosses fingers*
    Uhm, yeah, I'll just die alone and stop complaining XD
    ...Lots of books huh?
    The Stand is about an apocalyptic flu that wipes out 99% of the population in a couple weeks and what the survivors are doing about it... right now they are just killing each other >.<

    Heh, well I hope you do get your date, I've never been on one but I imagine they are like dreams....
    Have you asked her yet?
    Uhm, sleep! Didn't sleep so good at the hotel, so I'll be resting and reading. The Stand is getting pretty intense XD
    Your plans?
    Modern English is more preferable thankyouverymuch

    Oh, you'll live, I call most people dude. It's a bad habit of my, I type like a talk.
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