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  • It is a very hard thing really. I have the same problem when it comes to men. Haha I'm probably more miserable that you, just the idea that someone could be interested in me seems like a stupid fantasy. Maybe both of us can help each other solve our problems.
    Thanks! That's really nice of you. Btw your personality is really wonderful as well, so I can say that you're plenty beautiful too :)
    Oh, it's the same old sh*te that's been bringing me down for months now. Today all my negative feelings were prompted by a dream I had last night, and I was just feeling miserable throughout much of the day because of it. I look forward to the day when I will no longer feel this way.
    I'm so sorry for the late reply. I had to log out, been a little busy with tests. You're right, I'll post my picture soon, once my tests are over. Thanks but how can you be so sure?? Maybe I'm a scary alien o_O
    Yeah, the gym is open during the weekend as well. So far I'm planning on going there again after lunch on Monday. This was my first time going there, and I didn't do too bad for it being my first time. I originally didn't want to go because I thought everyone would stare at me, but I didn't notice anyone look at me except for some guy over by the weights. I just try to not pay attention to anyone else there, because then I'll get self-conscious.
    Thanks, me too. Going to the gym earlier certainly helped relieve some stress. I hope that I can go the rest of this day/evening (it's Saturday, after all, and we all know how I hate those lately) without drowning in misery.
    Uhh I'm too shy to post it yet but I think I might do it soon. Btw I haven't seen you either, so when do you plan to post yours?
    Haha don't worry I'm an idiot when it comes to friendships too, so it evens things between us. But what I said was true, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable?
    Wow, that sounds way more exciting than my book. :p The Bonesetter's Daughter is about a neurotic woman, like I mentioned, whose mother is a Chinese immigrant and is beginning to suffer from Alzheimer's.
    lol. I told you that your book sounds more exciting. :)
    Ohh rejections are always hard to deal with, I'm sorry you're going through this. I know the feeling of not being liked, I've felt it many times, I still do actually. From your posts here, I can say that you're a wonderful person and you always care about others. Maybe they weren't the right sort of people for you. The best thing you can do now though is keep moving on and don't give up, maybe learn from your mistakes but I do know its easier said than done. You can always talk to me if you're feeling down, I admit that I'm not a huge help but I'll still try my best :)
    Why are you feeling down, what's wrong? I'm exhausted by my tests, but atleast its helping me to shift my attention from SA lol.
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