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  • Friends, yes. However, I was Lord Champion of Puns and Such here before you! It's YOU who must challenge ME! In the end, there can be only one! Although more likely we'll both remain :D (or get kicked out by everyone else in our epic pun war ::p:)
    Lol :) It's hard esp living AT college (heck even if at home going) with that I know the feeling well. Glad you're a bit better, and tomorrow hopefully more so!
    Hi DMW,
    I find out you have a love for writing and are looking for people to write with.
    Collabo's, I would love to join you. and get to know you first, chatting somewhat.
    I've sent you a friend request.

    Have a nice day...

    Sure, I like a bit of attention now and then. It's all in good fun. You have a very charming, generous personality. Just don't be too generous though... the ladies might take you for granted. It's good to be a little bit aloof... keep a slight air of mystery about you. The ladies love that. :)
    You certainly are! I'm sure the ladies appreciate the attention. :)

    What I plan to do with my gate? Hopefully to use it as a gate, at the end of my driveway. That should keep the world out, haha!
    Well, one of my favorite things is salvaging old junk. Yesterday I found an old Stelco gate lying in the woods so I dragged it home. It was heavier than I thought, and 11 feet long. If anyone had seen me out on the trail with my gate, it would have looked very strange indeed. It's funny what us introverts get up to when no one else is around.

    And what about you?

    Oh good, I'm sure you'll make a great divorce mediator. Hey how come we're not friends yet? Sending you a request.
    Yeah, its a little silly but its somewhat related to my SA. As a kid I always felt that I needed more help. I was also bullied in school, so I thought it would be wonderful if I could help even a bit. Maybe its a type of sublimation. Why did you choose yours?
    Oh its good to know. Uhh I just guessed it by your album and your avatar. What are you studying in college?
    Its my first year of college. What are your hobbies/interests? One of them must be anime, right?
    Right now? Nothing, just browsing the site. But I'm a student currently. Haha sorry for freaking you out.
    Oh sorry, no particular reason. I just wanted to ask what do you do (in a really awkward way lol)
    Thanks! Srijita is my actual name and 52 just a random number I came up with, nothing interesting lol. Btw what do you mean by spiritually?
    Hi there, just leaving a msg as you seem like a very nice person. So you're really a deadmanwalking?
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