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  • Dude, it was just some guy with a band-aid on his nose ish area, I don't think it'd be a total heartbreak if I never see him again......

    Glad your better :D
    Why are you talking like that XD
    But, a sad face is sometimes worse then a regretful face.
    Ignorance is bliss, some things you'd rather not know.
    (Had to break it down into two posts because it was too long xP)

    Honestly, I just like you as a friend but I know for a fact that I would instantly fall for someone like you if I knew them in person, if that serves as any reassurance to you. You're a cool guy Deadman and any girl would be lucky to have you. I imagine these things usually don't end well for you because girls feel like you're too good for them or because someone much better than any other girl is in store for you.
    I know you're right, but my mind is so set on hating myself that my brain just doesn't register this kind of advice anymore. My self-loathing is the main reason why so many people (mainly guys) detach themselves from me. I know it's a nasty habit, but bagging on myself if the only way I can effectively set my mind on trying to better myself. I know that sounds kind of weird and doesn't really make sense but it's a coping method of sorts that I've accustomed myself to since my early teens. I'm sorry if I ever bring you down with my derogatory words but that's just how I am and I can't really control it anymore.

    Well, I really appreciate your feelings and I'm very flattered that you think of me in such a way. I'm sorry if I sounded kinda douchey and defensive in my last post. I was just trying to make a point.
    Ehh... the only family that loves me is my mother. The others just use and manipulate me as they wish and the few true friends I have are gradually drifting away from me. Sure some people love me, but for the most part I am unlovable by the vast majority of humanity. That I am sure of.

    Maybe I am, but I take your persistent flirting with me as an indicator that you are, in some way or another, attracted to me. People (usually) don't flirt with just anyone. They hit on those whom they are attracted to, so thus you like me somehow and thus I am pretty sure that you have some kind of underlying feelings for me. But I don't know. I tend to overanalyze things so feel free to give me a swift kick in the ass if my logic is somehow wrong. And what is it that you want me to tell you exactly? I've pretty much told you almost everything by now. Unless I've missed something? :confused:
    Okay, I agree about the 'tsundere' part. I tend to be really cold at first, and then eventually warm up, but that DOES NOT mean anything towards our "friendly" little chat here >.<
    Well as long as you love me as a friend then it's all good (even though at this point you're already hinting at other things <.<)
    I dunno... I hope not, and I'm not minimizing myself. I'm simply stating the simple fact that I am an unlovable human being ::p:
    No problem, and it's just a thank you for being so kind to me so don't you overanalyze things now >.<
    "Because it's fun" is definitely the dominant one. It's waaay too early to bring "love" into the conversation. How could you love a person you havent even met anyway? Even if you did, you wouldn't. Trust me ::p:
    True, but I'm afraid to find him married with children and really 40 years old..
    That'd be bad news bears.

    Door closing is good...
    Band-aid guy? Haven't been to work in a while, though if I meet him again it'll be fate:)

    Just tell him to change in the bathroom then :D *problem solver*
    Wow...then it must be awkward (the whole towel thingy)

    Man...I'm...In love with? Whhaa? Band-aid guy?
    Hmm. I always think of a hopeless romantic as someone who would do anything for true love, even die for it. Like in the Bryan Adams song "Everything I Do." The fact that you are waiting for the one person that you can completely devote yourself to makes me think that you are one of those. :)
    As for me, well, I'm horribly practical when it comes to relationships. Even if I am in love with someone, if it doesn't work out for me on a practical level, then I don't stick around. It works for me, but I feel like the hopeless romantics are so much more noble. :)
    You sound like a hopeless romantic to me. :) That's not a bad thing, btw. If I were in your position I'd probably just go for it and see what happens, then deal with the heartache later. Good luck with whichever path you choose!
    Breaks are nice :D
    I'm bad, and sorry for being so mean. I will beat myself up for that :S
    How are you?
    That part of you shall be happy to hear that I do, in fact, refuse to give in. I shall not give in to your temptation!!! No matter how much you make me blush >.<
    You really expect me to send you a picture of myself blushing after saying that so bluntly? *Shakes head* What will I do with you, Deadman? ::p:

    In that case, go for it! *Yells in stereotypically confident voice [in which I obviously lack IRL :p]* You can do it! :D
    Whatever you say Shakespeare ::p:
    Bah! Puh! Doh! Stop making me blush you romantic fiend you >.<
    And you just realized that?? xP

    Really? Interesting~ that sounds like it could be a hit. Let's hope you, me, and other fellow SA sufferers can use your main character as a role model of sorts to overcome it. Either way I'll stick to my word on buying your story if it ever gets published (which I'm sure it will! :D)
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