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  • Hey, sorry for not replying right away! People were accusing me of having homicidal tendencies here on the forum ::p:
    But anyhow, I'm once again left stumped on my reply. Minimizing myself has pretty much become a daily routine for me and I always have a hard time believing people when they say such things to me. Hearing that makes me really happy though and gives me hope for the future :)

    Nice! That's definitely something you should look into. Psychology and writing are quite a powerful combination. I wouldn't be surprised if someday you have a bestseller about Social Anxiety out in bookstores everywhere. I know I'd be one of the first ones to buy it! :D
    Aww.. you really are making me blush right now. I'd like to say yes, but.. I don't know. I'm just really iffy about dating people online after plenty of experience with that, and honestly I'm trying to take a break from crushing on anyone (which you're making very difficult for me right now >.<) for a while. I'm sure you'll meet plenty other nicer *better* girls anyway so don't you get too attached now ::p:
    And no problem! I'm always glad to help out with anything :)

    Ooh nice! I didn't know you like to write :D
    (Assuming you do at least :p)
    *Sigh* I didn't think so, and I noticed ::p:
    Yepp, I can tell that this is gonna take a while, and maybe it's because you do sound like coyote when you're talking with me xD

    Ohh.. guess I can't help you after all :x
    What classes are you interested in?
    You just don't know when to give up, do you? ::p:
    Haha we'll see about that (in your sweetest dreams xP)
    Ah. What exactly are you working on? Maybe I can help? :)
    Haha of course! I was looking through my friends list and realized I hadn't added you yet D:
    Easy there tiger~ Friend, yes. Wife, no. But maybe I can be your "cyber wife". Maybe ::p:

    Yeah I'm feeling a little better today, just a bit groggier than usual. And yourself? :)
    Yeah, you're right. Aww don't worry, you did make me cry out of happiness (which is very hard to do) so don't feel bad, and I'm glad you were here to cheer me up. Thanks again :)
    Ah... I don't know how to reply... I trust you though, and you can trust me to be your light when yours runs out.
    Thank you. Really :)
    Wow... I'm crying and smiling at the same time. That's new.
    This is gonna sound sooo emo but:
    A lot of things. I wish I could give the reasons, but some of them are just too horrible to speak of. I'm not as nice as I seem and I've pretty much lived a lie my entire life. I'm really glad you can see some good in me, I truly am, but seriously, you wouldn't say any of those things if you really knew me. Thank you either way. Your words really do mean a lot to me.
    End of emo rant.
    Just talked to my therapist, and she told me I was experiencing some symptoms of panic attacks and depression, and that it all has to do with the current situation.

    And I'll be sure to keep ya updated. :)
    I haven't. I'm planning on talking to my therapist about it hopefully tonight. If she suggests I go to a clinic, then I'll go there. It probably is because of my mental state, though.
    I'm more concerned about the bodily effects this is all having on me. My appetite has been really low for the past 2 days. Yesterday I didn't eat hardly anything at all (I had a coffee drink and a candy bar many hours later that night). I couldn't sleep because I went to bed on an empty stomach. I had the shakes, my heart was pounding, and this morning it felt like there was a weight or pressure on the left side of my chest. I've tried eating today, but the first time I felt like I wanted to just throw the food back up and it was hard to swallow. The second time, I only ate half of a bagel with cream cheese. My parents are worried that if I keep feeling this way, then I'll have a stroke or heart attack or something.
    I appreciate you guys on here a lot. At the moment, talking to people on here is the only thing that's keeping me from going crazy. This "friend" was actually much more than a friend, but they've proven to me that they could care less about me (or so it seems).
    I've been trying my hardest to just not think about them and to find others who will treat me right and care about me, but it's difficult, especially when I have to wait.
    I don't even want to talk to them. If they ever decide to talk to me again, then I'll bring it up. I can't even stand to think about them or see them. They make me sick.
    Someone else. I feel like they've used me and never really gave a sh*t about me. I've lost practically all trust I had for them. I think I hate them.
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