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  • Nonexistently? Chrome says that's not a word, but it is now. Because I claim it to be so. Anyway, I haven't drawn anything since I finished the semester. My interest level in drawing anything is at 0.
    I choose both. I should start loving myself, and I can say that this year I have just a tiny bit more. Even though it's a little, it's better than nothing. I don't see why I shouldn't manage to find someone who loves me too, and can influence me more. However, I'd rather work on the former for the time being.
    Absolutely! That's a pretty great quote. I believe others can influence you into loving yourself too. But I also believe that you shouldn't wait around for someone to do that, and that you should try your best to love yourself and see all the good things about you that others may see. << I really need to follow that myself.
    Oh, I don't know... I don't drink or smoke or do drugs and that alone tends to classify me as an 'odd person'.
    I just don't do things most other people do, so I suppose that makes me odd.
    Well, I haven't ever technically been an otaku - but perhaps could have been called one in highschool. Not anymore.
    Not really a nerd, since that would signify I have some level of higher intelligence than the general populous.
    I could go with geek, though. I'm strange.
    I like 'odd' things. Seems fitting.
    It's not that much of an 'inside' joke, is it?
    Everyone has played RE... haven't they?

    ...not that I'm refuting the fact I'm a geek -- because that much is obvious.
    I lock everything!

    Our apartment had a secure lobby and a front door with 3 padlocks-- and we lived alone which was the only time in my life that I didn't feel the need to obsessively lock the bathroom door.
    NOW, I lock and brace the bathroom door.
    I've only recently gotten used to keeping my bedroom door open a bit so that my cat can sleep with me at night and still be able to leave the room to drink, eat and use the litterbox without waking me up to ask if she can get out, first.

    ...that's a big step for me. haha
    He broke up with me and decided he didn't want me anymore.

    To this day, I'm still paranoid someone will lunge at me through the shower curtains, though.
    Lived with a guy for some amount of years who wouldn't come home for weeks at a time-- then would come home just in time to startle me while I was taking a shower or trying to relax with some yoga. That's all...
    The shower lunging?
    Oh-- it just happens sometimes.
    ...would be hard to explain. haha
    Thanks for the motivational quote, sir.
    I scream and jump when someone lunges at me through the shower curtains-- but not when I watch something that I know isn't real on a television screen.
    Do they SCARE me?
    I don't have much reaction to scary things, so I wouldn't be very fun to watch play scary games-- unlike PewDie.
    Mom will probably want to watch some of the new games-- provided I can actually afford them.
    I've watched PewDie play Penumbra and Amnesia but haven't played them myself.
    Mom likes Deadspace-- she likes cinematic type games. A big fan of the Uncharted series and Enslaved. =3
    Horror games are my favourite.
    I only played it because I assumed it was going to be scary but it wasn't... just gross. haha
    I was the cool older sister who rented it for my little brother to play-- and he ended up being grossed out and bored with it, too. XD
    I prefer Deadspace times INFINITY.
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