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  • I've got everything finalized for college now too. I've just gotta buy my books. Hehe, sometimes a guide can make a huge difference for those old games. Some of 'em are ridiculously tough. x_x Which old game is it?
    That doesnt sound good :( but yes I know - I hope its more physical pain. I tend to deal with that a lot better. But I hope you feel better regardless.
    I was walking out of the store, my mother was with me, and I had a reception to get to.
    Whenever I would eat beef, I would always feel so tired. I didn't like it, so I gave it up and it's made a pretty awesome difference.
    I have no idea what else they're having there, honestly. If they are having meat, I'm pretty sure I can't eat it since they'll most likely put on some sort of seasoning/flavoring and those almost always contain gluten. Oh, and I recently gave up beef. I'm not allergic to it, I just gave it up. I have a bit more energy now since getting rid of it out of my diet. :) I'm more of a lean protein type of person.
    I honestly have no idea what kind of cake it is. Vanilla and chocolate maybe? And what's wrong with red velvet cake? I think it's beautiful, and it tastes good (from what I remember).

    Uh... good question. I think I'm having a fruit salad. I'll probably bring something extra with me anyway, I almost always have to whenever I go out somewhere.
    I've tried playing songs in my head a few times. Depending on the situation and my anxiety level, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I almost always observe the world around me, constantly, and that doesn't really make me feel better either. I'll survive, I always do. It's just rather uncomfortable to deal with.
    Just leaving my sketchbook where it is, sitting on a shelf untouched, is good enough for me.
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