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  • Cheese and grammar, that sounds fun! Ah, I'm just stressed with life, which is exacerbated by social media in general. There's always a controversy or argument going on somewhere, and it disrupts my ability to not give a damn. Perhaps I should just throw away my laptop and go build a fire..
    Whooo, chaos! That's not a bad way to feel. And no, sorry, hermits can't have hermit friends hanging around, haha, that just wouldn't be right. :p
    Hey Deadman! Thanks for the joviality. I feel rather stressed lately, but I'm making the best of it. It might be time to go back into hermit mode, mwahahaha. How are you??
    You bet! We've never tried to beat Sephiroth without Knights of the Round. I've missed Bahamut ZERO once before, the first time I ever played. But I always make sure I get it for my sister when she's playing.
    Nope, sometimes my sister will give them different names (she didn't this time though), but I always keep the original names. I'm boring, haha! ::p:
    Hello. yes I am feeling better, thank you for asking! I'll be on chat later... Just finished mowing the lawn and about to take Jazz for her walk.
    0.0 Well I think it might be too late for that, haha! We probably already missed some treasure or mini side-quest stuff since we've been playing without a guide. But getting all Limit Breaks and summons is still doable. 100-ish% here we come! :D
    I consider my lesson to be far more action filled than twiddling my thumbs while my skates are being sharpened. xD
    What do I have, if not logic?!
    Chances are high she won't even be at the rink the same time I am. I only have a short window of getting my skates sharpened and running to a different rink. I just figure it would be worse if I show up and she is there, but I didn't say hi. She could very well be working in the back rink.
    Shucks, I really over think things XD
    Haha! xD
    Yeah! Running away from fights is for wimps! We're Lvl. 35-40 and we just completed the first disc. We've done a decent amount of training so we've been having an easy time of things so far.
    Sounds like a fun game series! How many Breath of Fire games are there? I haven't been playing video games too much lately, my latest gaming endeavor has been replaying through FFVII with my sister.
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