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  • hmm... Manhunt, I guess?
    I hated that game, though. haha
    There's lots of pointless violence in GTA games, too - I always try to make positive moral decisions but there's no escaping it in those games. XD
    Yep-- same here.
    I used to play WoW in highschool; but I hated playing with other people-- especially when you can't communicate and they do silly things... I'd rather play with npc's honestly... haha

    My sister wants to get me Pony Friends 2.
    That's non-violent?
    What's wrong with violence in videogames, though? I'm the least violent person around in real life. XD
    Action/survival games? yeah! I like them. haha
    I don't play anything online or co-op and I don't really like pure shooters but if there's an interesting story, I play it for that.

    ...I also play animal crossing and Dragon Quest. kehehe >D
    Do you do PC gaming? The PC version is probably the best anyway... I just have a PS3.

    What am I looking forward to?
    Ohhh... Walking Dead episode 3, RE6, The Last of us, Tomb Raider, BioShock Infinite, Ni No Kuni... uhhhh... I can't think of any more although I know there's more. haha
    Do you mean the DLC?
    I can't get it, so... no playing vampire slayers for me-- how unfortunate~
    You manage much better conversation than any zombie I've ever seen. ;) "Grrrrr... Arrgggg"... Being the most I've ever heard from one... :p

    You're quite right... Explaining things to them sometimes is beyond the effort involved, really it is!
    Well, the "right girl" would depend entirely upon who you are exactly, so I am unable to do that. :p

    Well, as I said, genetics probably play a large role, but I wouldn't write yourself off in such a way... I can't judge your intellectual abilities from so little contact, but you seem intelligent to me. :) Well, my mother was distinctly average at school, and is rather poor in many areas in terms of mental ability, the same goes for my grandmother and my aunt... My two half sisters also don't score highly on the intellectual side of life... I unfortunately don't know my father, since he died when I was just 7 months old, but from what my mother has told me about him he was artistic, wise and gentle... and I happen to be a lot like him in many ways, apparently... Even down to raising my one eyebrow when I am quizzical lol
    Maybe you've just been around the wrong girls? Or possibly it's your anxiety kicking in making it difficult to read others? My husband isn't very good with picking up on hints, generally, but he is still sweet, so I'm sure there's nothing to hold you back really... As I said, maybe you just need the "right" girl. ;)

    And thank you for the compliments. *Blushes* :) As for why I'm intelligent... Well, I suppose it's genetics, (Though, it must be on my father's side, since it's certainly not on my mother's...) coupled with the fact I was always too scared to have friends, so I developed my mind first... Hours spent alone in imaginary play and reading as a child are great for cerebral development. ;) Add to that a general interest in most things and a desire to learn and you end up with me! lol. As for pretty... again, I thank thee, though I disagree, so I am unable to answer that point. :p
    I'm sure you'r fine with romantic things ;) it doesn't really take effort. :)

    Well agnosticism will save you trouble and conflict lol, but it's sensible anyway, I believe we should be agnostic on every issue (no matter what it is) until we have evidence to prove it one way or another...
    He is pretty awesome! ^_^ And I met him on here... Really! He never actually posted, but he read posts, saw mine, instantly fell into infatuation, started chatting to me, six weeks later, declared his love for me - in Latin... and the rest is history... ^_^

    Since you seem to think he's awesome, perhaps I'll get him to message you at some point - especially since he's been hanging around here lately looking for people to talk to...

    Well, as long as she has your side of the family then that's okay, but depending upon how "into it" her husband's family are she could lose them if she ever decided to leave... There is a horrible practice known as "shunning"... Thankfully, I didn't experience that, but some have...

    Agnosticism is a very sensible position to hold. ;)
    He's not much of a Manga reader either, same as me, wants to look into it more, but never finds time to get around to it... "20th Century Boys" was sent to him by some friends who are more into Anime and Manga.

    Well, I hope your sister is happy with the religion, if she's not it can be very difficult, especially when it comes to wanting to leave... Some stories I've heard from ex-JWs are heart-breaking, they end up losing their whole families sometimes. :(

    As for my views now, I'm a Deist.. So, I don't actually have a religion, just a belief in a deity based upon reason... What about yourself?
    My husband is indeed a hero! ^_^ I'll tell him of your salute. ^_-

    My interest started because of Christianity to be honest... My husband (Being a hero again) rescued me from the clutches of the Jehovah's Witnesses by asking me questions about the religion based upon the mythology, mostly... I tried my best to research the answers, but kept finding other mythologies which were similar to the Biblical ones... End result, I'm free of the JWs and I found a new interest in mythology! No matter how much I learn though, there's always more to learn, but that's the way with anything... the more you know, the more you realise you know nothing...
    Well, it's the only manga I've actually read, but I have to say, I thought it was brilliant... I *couldn't wait* to read each issue! (I was being sent them via the internet lol... My (now) husband delighted in torturing me by only sending one at a time!) I have to look into more Manga at some point, but I always seem to have so much else to look into lol...

    As for mythology... Well, I like mythology from all cultures, I like to compare them and look for the similarities and try to find clues as to what they may originally have meant... Certain controversial interpretations, such as those by Velikovsky, are fascinating in that they illustrate ways in which such events could be distorted recollections of actual events, no matter how extraordinary... Myths which cover creation and destruction or upheaval are the most fascinating to me therefore... I think enjoy southern and meso- American myths most... But Nordic and Egyptian ones are fascinating too...
    Hello, I'm fine thank you. How are you? You say you like anime/manga... any particular favourites? Ever read 20th Century Boys?
    Hah not a clue. I have to be somewhat social though cause I dont want to be rude but idk. I'm sorry about your mom. Driving is a scary thing but youll overcome it. How old are you?
    I think tomorrow they are coming over to swim. You will. Its just your fear holding you back. Why does driving scare you?
    No real reason! They usually come once a week. :( I understand that fear. I hope youre able to overcome it though.
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