Maybe you've just been around the wrong girls? Or possibly it's your anxiety kicking in making it difficult to read others? My husband isn't very good with picking up on hints, generally, but he is still sweet, so I'm sure there's nothing to hold you back really... As I said, maybe you just need the "right" girl.
And thank you for the compliments. *Blushes*

As for why I'm intelligent... Well, I suppose it's genetics, (Though, it must be on my father's side, since it's certainly not on my mother's...) coupled with the fact I was always too scared to have friends, so I developed my mind first... Hours spent alone in imaginary play and reading as a child are great for cerebral development.

Add to that a general interest in most things and a desire to learn and you end up with me! lol. As for pretty... again, I thank thee, though I disagree, so I am unable to answer that point.