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  • Its on the History channel. People come into the pawn shop trying to sell/[pawn all types of artifacts. Its really cool seeing what they bring in & what they get for it. I dont know what I want to do tomorrow, but I have family coming over so I have to be social, im trying to mentally prepare myself hah. how about you? anything planned?
    Prettyy boring but quiet. Ive just been watching Pawn Stars all night. Hopefully tomorrow I can be somewhat productive.
    Uh I don't have any specific plane but maybe I need to expose myself to more situations. What about you? How do you plan on solving your problems?
    Yeah, they do drag me out of my comfort zone at times which definitely helps.
    I've tried to mimic them but it doesn't seem to work for me as it seems somewhat fake and imposed and I guess people can notice that immediately. I'm trying to improve my own skills though.
    Thanks, I hope so.
    Well all my friends and the people around me are just super outgoing and social skills come so easily to them that they've no idea what's it like to be just the opposite, same with being overly anxious, although I've explained it again and again, its something they don't understand or probably never will.
    I've a generally anxious temerment which means basically anything can trigger my anxiety, specially new and unknown situations.
    Yeah, I'm just too anxious and lazy to even try.
    Well it's me of course! I left u in charge in my absence but now I'll take back my reigns :D Glad to see/hear from u hope alls been well or mostly so!
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