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  • I'd rather be working. I am doing okay now. I was not this morning, this afternoon, this evening but tonight I am okay. Tomorrow, we shall see. Stay away from anything that contains codeine.
    What the hell is that thing under you username...oh. Have I mention how much I like you lately? :D.
    well that's good I guess. But you know you do need a way to release your anger ya know, at least that's what I keep getting told. You know whats funny I have been punished for insulting you and remus has removed my angry posts......NOW. Its like we got in a fight at the bar ,pounded on each other, got up shook hands, had some beers together, than got thrown out. LOL. Well I got thrown out anyway. I hope you have a good day!!!
    aw man, didn't even get that far. Assuming you meant my last trip. Which I did smash my ankle before we began. Shattered the left side of my ankle (plate holding it together) and broke in multiple places on the right side (screws and braces). Just not right when the foot is dangling there off to the side.

    Bonus was really drunk so I felt nothing. Been in hospital for three, four days.
    Slovenia. We were expecting snow here about a week ago, but nothing happened. I guess I'll just have to wait a few weeks longer ...
    You sent me a friendship request but I don't know who you are so I looked at one of the threads you have started and had to congratulate you on drawing such a good picture!
    lol okay, good to know :) I was afraid if I wasn't a bit too, uhm, exuberant? :D
    /will run away and hide now ;)/
    Sorry if I was a bit 'wild' and untamed the other day...!! believe me I am paying for it lol.. /or maybe sis just brought home the flu and there's no karma? hmm.. :confused: :)/
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