Hey Coyote! :) Or your ROYAL MAJESTY! :) Can you sticky this thread? (Or confer with other mods if it can be stickied?) I've already asked Pookah too.. http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/6-reasons-why-99-of-people-with-sa-will-never-get-over-it-11127/ Maybe with changed title or accompanying info explaining it in a constructive way? It's really helpful, to a bunch of ppl... & ROCK ON!! :)
Hey how it going dude? How is life treating you? Well I hope. I have been slightly more busy than I care to be. But thats just the way life treats you sometimes. I have been wanting to ask you something since I read one of your posts in the gun control thread. You said you worked in law enforcement. What did you do? I have thought about possibly working in law enforcement a couple of times lately.
Fill ur life with Happiness & Bright Cheer,
Bring to u Joy and Prosperity for the whole Year,
And it’s my New Year wish 4u Dear…
Wish u a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2011
Sorry to be bugging you again! But would i be able to change my user name to evil_felinez or space_cadet or something? I'm still working on deleting posts and have a feeling it could help...