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  • Coyote, I wondered if there was anyone here near my age-50. After looking at many
    posts and profiles I thought I was twice the age of most the others. Maybe a dumb
    question but has this site helped you?
    haha well i was kind of implying you should go, too, since it's all over the world! their site design is unfortunate but the point is people meet up in groups all over the world on the same day to go outside to sketch what they see. geez, they really effed up their site. it is so vague now.
    Lol, wish I could draw like that. They are photos of originals, I'll label them properly...
    hey, 'yote! have you considered sketchcrawl before? i went a few years back, spoke to no one, and veered off onto my own. unfortunately, SA/AVPD got the best of me but i still thoroughly enjoyed the day outdoors anyway. there is another one coming up on april 16th i think i am going to attend. check it out!
    Hey Coyote!! I wish they brought the bonus points back, cause you'd definitely deserve some for some of your posts!! :)
    when you posted a video in the "how are you feeling" thread the video didn't load and it looked like you posted nothing, like an empty thread post, hence my confused response. my post probably sounded rude. sorry about that! and good music.
    Lol... thanks. Seriously, I wished I had yours or hippie or any of the other artists' technical skills here. I like drawing plants and flowers.
    Hey! I'm doing a little better I think, managed to clear my head a bit. How are you?
    Thanks for the friend request! Also, happy year anniversary of being on's pretty funny that you joined on St. Patrick's Day.
    Thanks for the friend request - tried to send the 'accept' but I don't think anything has happened...
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