Well done, theoutsider! :thumbup:Before my SA got worse, I was known as someone with a quick wit. Today, a guy at work was trying to make me the butt of his joke and just like that, all the years of built up SA melted away for just a few seconds. The wit was back and I zinged him good. Man, did it ever feel good to hear the room erupt in laughter and see his shocked expression as I made my exit. Afterwards, I felt bad for him and doubtful about myself. The SA was back in full force. But that moment in time today sure did feel good!
Well they use sleep deprivation as a torture technique for a good reason, lol.I don't THINK I'm going to literally die from sleep deprivation, but it does feel like a slow, foggy-headed death. It's kind of worrying. I haven't gotten much sleep the past two nights due to schoolwork and then tonight I probably will only get four hours, so I'm running on a large deficit.
I can do it, I'm just worried I could actually seriously harm my health tomorrow. I'm not sure how safe it is to go three days with a total of 18 hours of sleep instead of 24 (8 hours a night x3 nights).
Anyone wants to take a look at my motivation letter? It's still a bit rough but I'd like to get a few suggestions, if I need to change some sentences or if there are some things I should add.
Sometimes I wish I had an adventure like.. the movie 'The Goonies'.
I want to find an undiscovered old pirate ship with a few good friends too!
That would be fun. Yes what happen to adventure? Has to be with the right people too.. I have adventured with the wrong and it was not so good. Probably why I prefer to be alone. I am fun too. I like to do stupid stuff with no plans. I have no agenda I prefer it that way. It gets harder as you get older though to be loose and find good friends. That is the key to life though, to stay a child at heart.
Yeah, quite a few times now that I've taken someone to a special place and the magic wasn't there, as if it only happens when I'm alone. Its a pity because you want to share it, but if they're not tuned in...
but then I'm probably focusing on the negs as usual
That would be fun. Yes what happen to adventure? Has to be with the right people too.. I have adventured with the wrong and it was not so good. Probably why I prefer to be alone. I am fun too. I like to do stupid stuff with no plans. I have no agenda I prefer it that way. It gets harder as you get older though to be loose and find good friends. That is the key to life though, to stay a child at heart.
yea I totally understand what you mean! I think maybe it's because when others are there you're more focused on them. But when you're alone you think more deeply, experience and 'soak things in' on a much deeper level.
I know right.Lol the dating adds on here since I don't have ad blocker on this iPad crack me up!
"Meet and date older, well-off women"
What about old poor women? They just don't matter. If you date older they damn well better be rich right? Lol
I know right.h:
If a man is going to "put up with" an older woman, with a few wrinkles from a lifetime of laughter, a few stretch marks on her skin from her body growing/carrying a member of the next generation for nine months (some times multiple times), and saggy breasts from being full of nutritious milk to feed the next generation while their digestive systems were too underdeveloped to eat solid food, and a few varicose veins visible on her legs - from the strain on her circulatory system of carrying a member of the next generation for 9 months...........then of course there had better be financial compensation for him that he benefits from while dating an older woman. :bigsmile:
Sure :thumbup:
I know right.h:
If a man is going to "put up with" an older woman, with a few wrinkles from a lifetime of laughter, a few stretch marks on her skin from her body growing/carrying a member of the next generation for nine months (some times multiple times), and saggy breasts from being full of nutritious milk to feed the next generation while their digestive systems were too underdeveloped to eat solid food, and a few varicose veins visible on her legs - from the strain on her circulatory system of carrying a member of the next generation for 9 months...........then of course there had better be financial compensation for him that he benefits from while dating an older woman. :bigsmile:
I also cannot believe the number of ads selling engine parts. I am trying to get a read on the average SP member now based on these ads. Male, early 20's, single, likes to work on machinery and play video games..It's no wonder I don't fit in here!
Do you have online grocery shopping over there? That deliver your order to your door?I dated an "older" woman (early fifties) for a few years a while back. She had all the characteristics you describe and hardly a cent to her name, but none of that ever bothered me much. All men are not created equal.
^Yes there are some decent men in this world, Graybeard. :thumbup:
Just like there are some shallow women as well. It seems to be getting more difficult to find decent members of both genders these days. :sad:
I'm running out of groceries again, and I can't do a blessed thing about it. Looks like it's going to be canned soup and frozen black-eyed peas for the next couple of weeks. :sad: