How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Though, if NEDS is an abbrevation of Non-educated delinquents in Scotland, does that mean chavs is an abbrevation of Council House Associated Vermin?

Sorry. Just a random humourous observation, there. Not an actual serious question. :D
Haha. We call such people "houso's" here, meaning crappy people who live in housing commission places. Or bogans. :)

I feel like everybody has a life but me.
What is a "life"? It can't really be quantified. I don't do much myself, you know. Also, didn't you just go to a party? Where you got really close to a girl? That's pretty cool, man.


Well-known member
I feel better. I had a band rehearsal today, and my guitarist kept going on about how good my drumming was during the rehearsal, and even sent me a text after I got home to say the same thing. His opinion is important to me so that's awesome!


Active member
Tired...too much to do, too little time. Supposed to record my bass parts tomorrow. Still have to read a half dozen poems, 500 lines on Beowulf, and 2 short stories, complete with note-taking. It's not too bad, just summoning the energy todo it. We'll see what happens.


Well-known member
I feel good. I had a long chat to my sister about everything thats been going on lately and she is fully supportive. And she was in full support in helping me get a job and we talked about university and everything and I feel so much more relieved and happy about my future.


Well-known member
Tired...too much to do, too little time. Supposed to record my bass parts tomorrow. Still have to read a half dozen poems, 500 lines on Beowulf, and 2 short stories, complete with note-taking. It's not too bad, just summoning the energy todo it. We'll see what happens.
Seeing the large task ahead of you can be really daunting, particularly if there's a deadline you have to meet. Start with one thing first and worry about the others later. Record your bass guitar parts first, then tackle what you feel is next important. You will get everything done. :)

I feel good. I had a long chat to my sister about everything thats been going on lately and she is fully supportive. And she was in full support in helping me get a job and we talked about university and everything and I feel so much more relieved and happy about my future.
Fantastic, mate. I remember you said you were going to have a chat to your sister, and I'm glad it has worked out positively. Do you think she'll tell your parents about your conversation? Do you want your parents to know?


Just knocked out the last few hundred words of my psych assignment.
2 hours before the end submission time - talk about cutting it fine... phew...

but that is how I like to live my life people...

on the edge..

A rebel... a renegade...

I dont play by anyones rules... not even my own...

God I'm tired.


Well-known member
I feel good. I had a long chat to my sister about everything thats been going on lately and she is fully supportive. And she was in full support in helping me get a job and we talked about university and everything and I feel so much more relieved and happy about my future.

That's really good to hear, Invisibleman. Support can make a lot of difference and you must feel a sense of relief to have the things off your chest and shared with close family members. You're still in your teens right? You definitely have an exciting future to look forward to, because you're working things out now rather than later. Nice work.


Well-known member
I feel good. I had a long chat to my sister about everything thats been going on lately and she is fully supportive. And she was in full support in helping me get a job and we talked about university and everything and I feel so much more relieved and happy about my future.
^ That's great! :)


Like a cornered animal. I should exit from here asap either way, but there is nowhere to go so I´m just running from corner to corner. I am considering various options, but everything seems so hopeless and not viable. I am totally beyond repair, I will never find a solution, it doesn´t make sense to keep living and taking up space here. I am not complaining, I mean it seriously.


Well-known member
Miserable. Somedays I just don't have enough to do to keep my mind busy. Once I get into that zone where I over-analyze my past, present, and future all hell breaks loose.

nervous, nervous. Have my first date tomorrow

Good luck on your date. Hope everything goes well for you. :)


Well-known member
nervous, nervous. Have my first date tomorrow
aw, congrats. Hope you have fun. Good luck.

Relaxed, in a good mood. :)


Like a cornered animal. I should exit from here asap either way, but there is nowhere to go so I´m just running from corner to corner. I am considering various options, but everything seems so hopeless and not viable. I am totally beyond repair, I will never find a solution, it doesn´t make sense to keep living and taking up space here. I am not complaining, I mean it seriously.

::(: Sorry that you feel to that point Lea.


My workmates dont like me all that much. They think I am weird and unfriendly because I am so quiet and shy.

I feel uncomfortable in environments where everyone knows each other and you have no idea what's going on because your not in the know. I find it hard to speak up - I can be very socially awkward in the right sort of context..... usually a work context.

It is bringing me down. :'-( I dread going there

I am leaving there - but I have found another job to go to. I am just scared that it is going to happen again. I have a couple more weeks to go at the current place before I leave for the next one.