2011 sucked. so did the last 2010 years. 2012 will probably be no different either...
That must have been a long milenium prehistory, 2010 years. Haha. :

Nah just kidding. I know how you feel. 2010 Sucked for me either.
Anyways about 2011;
The good part:
This year has been going much better than all of the others I'd say. Of course any year has it's milestones and downhills, but I can call this year finally a better year after, after. Because before 2011, I wasn't doing so well. I was very unconfidental and had to progress a lot of stuff in mind. Yes I did. I still do ocassionaly, But with my fingers crossed I know it will get better EACH day of my life.
So what have I acomplished, achieved or what did I find the most greatest part of 2011?
I'd say that I got the courage to start college again, that I could just make an appointment and fight so hard to get back on track and tell hem HOW MUCH i love to study and that I will fight so hard my ass off to fitt in between all those college students. And they believed me! How great is that? The director told me i'm just fine. He knows I have struggles and so does he, or anybody. It's not a shame. and he sees the will and that's the power of beating Anxiety.
And school is going fine! Good grades, nice things to do, pretty laid back classmates who don't look weird at me at all, are just nice to me and most of them are autistic anyway, so they are all just a lil different and that's cool right? and some of them are adults and some younger, and some are musicians, most of them are immigrants too... well... right place for me.
Besides school there are more things that really have made me so happy.
This is dedicated to my girlfriend Muriel, she made me so happy when I first could see her after her internship in Canada. She came back and we met. We always were in a friend zone but I knew she is so special from the heart and our bond was always so meaningful to me, and then the sparkle hit me right in the heart, I had to tell her that I loved her and I still do after 1 year. Tomorrow we'll be celebrating the new year's eve. Isn't that wonderful?
If it comes to a job, I'd have to say that I am really happy that I am a GameJournalist, publisher at a gaming platform. I just got applied to the job since two weeks, I'm really happy and I hope it'll bring more fun, I know it won't bring me money but it's just for bringing me distraction since I know it helps to make me feel more positive and I love writing, it's one of my hobbies, so why not. Volunteering is a kind thing to do, right? Oh and I'll gain games every month, so I do get rewarded fair bit.That's totally fun since I like trying out new games!
And I really am happy that I gained more fat, I'm not that skinny anymore like I used to be and I know that it will make me only feel better. ^^
I'm happy about that I took the gutts to just walk in a group therapy called D.G.T developed by Marsha Linehann in the U.S. It's in Holland since a few years or such. and I really wanted to go there. Besides Social Phobia I have Borderline / Emotion Regulation Disorder (or whatever it's called, Bipolar? hehe) I know that the only way out is to kick myself out of the routine of Depressive thoughts, I know a lot of people deal with this, almost 90 % of the world does, do we all want to be pessimistic? NAH! but I know it's so hard since we have a low self esteem, but it's like we can't escape from it. But it's worth to keep fighting and seek for the happiness in life.
And the holiday in a theme park with Mur and also the music, making songs with musicians and songwriters and such. a real blast. Music makes me feel proud!
And I'm happy to met SPV and talk to him a lot during a while. He's a great friend, trust me!
So that's it. The good parts. I think it's good to end off with no bad parts. I know there sure might be (and I know there are) But I thinkj it's good to stop repeating them.

So, it's been a good year, and I know 2012 Will only get better.
Social Anxiety, shut up and keep staying in your cage, I'm a bird, I wanna fly, I don't wanna be locked up, so you should.
Cheers and hopefully ya'll have a wonderful 2012!
Peace al