Your 2011 in review


Active member
'11 was just like every other year -Nothing Interesting, Nothing traumatic or terribly bad..

Although a couple good things did happen, such as:
-graduated high school
-got first job

Bad-ish things:
-Signed up for college but had to drop out before even starting
-Found out I got a full-ride scholarship to any Massachusetts state school of my choosing but wasn't able to go
-Realized just how badly my parents have f-ed up my life/future. Due to the things they've done, my life won't be improving or going anywhere for at least a couple more years (literally STUCK here; no college, cant move out, blah blah blah)

buuutttt besides that, pretty mundane


Hie yer hence from me heath!
The Good:
  • The stand-up comedy gigs and music performance I've attended

The Bad:
  • I feel I don't know who I am
  • Severe depression
  • I think I've lost my desire for creativity
  • My oldest sister's marriage broke up. As a result she not the same person I've known most of my life
  • My sister's new boyfriend is a smug, pretentious, condescending c-word


Well-known member
Bad: Quite literally the worst year of my life. Family ties are strained along with other things I would rather not discuss online.

Good: I can't think of anything right now, I'll edit this if something comes to mind.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Oh, another thing I forgot to add to my review of 2011:

Bad: My father was diagnosed with cancer during the summer.


Well-known member
Started out okay, ended absolutely terribly. One of the worst years of my life, but not the worst. Next year will have to be better. It has to be.


Well-known member
Started out okay, ended absolutely terribly. One of the worst years of my life, but not the worst. Next year will have to be better. It has to be.

I've been thinking the same thing, it simply has to be better. But that's what I said in 2010! I'm entering 2012 very cautiously. I hope it works out better for you at the very least though. No use having both of us miserable lol.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
2011 was pretty unremarkable for me. There were no big changes in my life, so in that way I suppose it was better than 2010. I hope 2012 does bring changes, but of the positive kind.


Well-known member
The bad:
Recently getting far away from my friends (I hope it doesn't get worse next year)
Have been all summer without a job
Was idle for too much time
Recently worsening on SA and especially erythrophobia
No significant changes have really occurred in my life

The good:
I got in touch again with a friend I hadn't seen for a couple of years
Spent five months abroad, which made me think a lot and somehow helped me a little with my SA issue (even though it also brought many a depression days and feelings of loneliness)
Kind of found the clue to SA (though difficult to apply in practice)
Improved the way I feel about myself
Partly lost my fear to authority figures (just partly)
Almost forgot about a crush I used to have
Partly improved the image my friends used to have of me (the image of the typical silly naive innocent girl)
Read a lot (at least, much more than I used to)
Dared to upload myself (well, my voice :p) on Youtube
Have many plans for next year and am really serious about them

Maybe I'm not in a very good situation, but I just want to be positive:)


Pirate from the North Pole
Bad: I've been fired end of 2010 so I started the year 2011 unemployed, desperate and slightly alcoholic.

Good: Since I had lots of time, some spare money and nothing to lose, I went to travel, got better in music, became a good climber, went kayaking a lot, which all kept me away from depression for the most part, then finally found a job that, in spite of some ups and downs, I really like and still have, and then realized with the holidays gatherings that I'm almost over social phobia. I hope the good days will last a while....


Well-known member
On the brightest side:
WeirdyMcGee, blackpuma, Jessica7, Deus_Ex_Lemur, BiWinning, 狼, Bloir, twiggle, *Amy*, anuskas, Amelie08, MikeyC, MaliceInWickedland, Blabla.., Paahi, Phoenixx, TryAgain, DeadmanWalking, MidnightStar, pinata...
And all the other friends I made here (and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but you know who you are).

I know who I am. ::p:


Well-known member
My life is honestly so worthless and mundane that its hard to even remember 2011 at all. I can remember it started off terribly,my english class gave my confidence what seemed like a 12-pounder barrage. My only memories from January to June were of a miserable figure sitting in a dark room.

Then in the summer things were alright. I had gotten my drivers license,I went away to visit my sister and the whole thing was one of if not the best time of my life, and most importantly I had stumbled upon this site although I forget how.

Then the summer ended and things sunk further than they had ever before. I was entering my final year of highschool where I would have university and grades forced down my throat until I nearly choked to death. Where I would look around and see so many of my peers with the rest of their lives set in stone while mine was a wildcard hanging in the balance,still as questionable as ever. I would even have nightmares about myself failing.

The back part of this year has been the worst ever. I will never forget the feelings ive felt this year.Never before have I felt so worthless,so undesirable,so weak. I really hope I can change for the new year, I cant handle this now. I want to be set free.
Academically was brilliant. I found this forum and meet wonderful people. I faced a couple huge fears. As usual, read a lot an learnt new things.

But also may be by having a bit more wider view of the world may have put me sometimes obsessing more about what I don't like in my life, and those times I have a very hard time to find hopes to overcome some of those things I don't like. I may be a frivolous jerk here, when so much other things happened, but this was a tragic year for motor sports.


Well-known member
It was never going to be as good as 2010. I created a self-fulfilling prophecy the moment January came around, and I've learnt from that mistake.
There were a few changes in my life this year. The Summer was difficult. I spent 8 weeks in tears. I definitely learnt a lot from it but it'll probably always be what I remember most out of the entire year.
I'm planning to make 2012 better.
2011 = Boring and extremely repetitive.
Hopefully in 2012 I will be able to achieve all the things I did not achieve this year.


Well-known member
for me the year 2011 has been a string of disappointment after disappointment. I couldnt stay at a job. I was jobless most of the time.. with the debt over $5,000. I had to sell my car in order to pay my rent. I some how got my self in to sighnning a very expensive personal training contract at a gym. I stupidly sighned it without thinking..they have a way of tricking your mind. So im now stuck with a very expnsive contract. My girl friend broke up with me. so it hasnt beeen a very good year for me.
Been thinking hard what to post here, if anything. Realised that i cannot give an overall rating on the year, as it was very much a mixed-bag. But i can say that there were some weeks & months throughout year that were pure hell/misery (esp when had major depression for couple months mid-year, & in a major life crisis for couple months late in year). And had the usual amount of grief-time concerning people. The rest of it was just the usual "working" on my problems & hoping that i'll overcome them some day. And as usual, no really "wonderful" things happened, not much joy really (which is kindof what i would like some of in my life)

So, if a summary is to be made, it is that again (as usual) this year has been just a "work" or "seeding" year - where i have kept my "nose to the grindstone" with the hope that one year (maybe next year if i'm really lucky) i will have a life which is more than just "waiting for my life to begin", if you know what i mean


Active member
Overall 2011 was ok for me.......
At the start of the year, I was a bit of a wreck........long story
But things came together midway through the year, I got a great job, got a great boyfriend and had 2 of the best holidays abroad ever!
I am glad the year is coming to an end but still glad that I experienced it!
Here's to 2012!!