Are any of you gay?


Well-known member
I always believed I was straight but in the last year or so I have started to think that maybe I might be bisexual.


Well-known member
I think society nowadays approve more gays than straight people.
Christians, straight people and conservatives are the new minority.

When did we develop space travel? I didn't know that we had colonized other worlds!!! But since we have will you please tell me the planet that you are on I want to live there very badly!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
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^ Seriously, if I reincarnate I'm coming back as gay girl. Femaleness in body and mind is much more attractive to me than that in males, I'd be male-avoidant.


Staff member
Spike got permabanned for his responses in this thread, even though after being warned he said "none of my beewax." Just sayin.

Not true exactly, he was a serial offender and trolled here from the get go, after many many warnings it carried on. None of the mods here seem keen to unban him anytime soon, lets move on please and get back on topic.
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Active member
Yeah, sometimes i think im gay...
I dont find men attractive, but im 21 and never had a girlfriend...
oh i get it, im not gay im just nobody..


Well-known member
I am almost sure I am bisexual, even thoguh I still have doubts concerning my sexual orientation.


Well-known member
Hmmm I'm not entirely sure what to class myself as. I'm a girl but I've had several girl-crushes. Sometimes big, big crushes.
But I've felt like that with several guys too and with guys there's more of an emotional attachment too.
I've only ever dated guys and am not sure I could date women - not because I disagree with other people doing it, just that I don't think I could feel the same romantic chemistry with a girl as I do men.
But then again... biiiig girl crushes in my life, but they've all been based purely on looks.
With looks, the way I see it is what makes a girl look like a girl? What makes a boy look like a boy?? To me they just overlap so much that it would be impossible to restrict myself to like only one gender.
I'm not really much of a relationship person though. I don't like being too close to just one person, in a 'cabin fever' type way. That applies to relationships and even friendships - I've never had 'a best friend', but several best friends.
Because I'm not really that 'in' to relationships I know a couple of people had started rumours that I must be a lesbian, which has been upsetting to hear sometimes. If I was a lesbian, I wouldn't mind. But somehow its harder hearing people calling you something you're not.
Perhaps if I was to class myself as anything it would be bisexual. Which I think is kinda fun :)


I'm male hopefully my prince will come soon.

Some day my prince will come
Some day we'll meet again
And away to his castle we'll go
To be happy forever I know

Some day when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring
Some day when my dreams come true

From Snow White~
I'm gay and proud. I don't need to test the waters to know it. Although, I do think it's the reason for my social phobia.

So many people say they are uncertain these days about their sexuality, but I feel like that is fear because a gay (or Bi...I guess) person ALWAYS knows.
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