Did your parents teach you to stand up for yourself?

Did your parents teach you to stand up for yourself?

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No as I'm far too weak to do such a thing! It may have been because I never had a father figure so I never became man enough!


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Mum: Ignore it.
Dad: Show em a fist.
I have no idea how those diffirent personalities could ever be together.
I'm convinced the 2nd one is the best, but it's not in my blood, so I mostly try a mix between the 1st and the 2nd. Mostly the 1st one.


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Lol well when I was a kid my dad always said speak up when I order food. That was still when I was a kid though and I am still shy.


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Haha, not even close. I didn't grow up with my father (thankfully), and my mother is a complete coward. As much as I love her, it pisses me off that she won't even stand up for herself, much less anyone else. Someone could be completely tearing her apart, and she won't defend herself. She's a doormat. She lets everybody walk all over her. I grew up being around that all the time, but I somehow learned on my own to stand up for myself. I won't take sh*t from anybody. Physically, I can't do much because I'm a fat wimp. But I'll verbally rip you a new one. I'm not sure where it came from. I guess I'm just naturally a b*tch.
I don't think they did. Pretty much everything I know is self taught. They learned me to walk and talk. The only other thing I remember that they've learned me is that you should always keep the most delicious part of dinner for last.

I used to play-wrestle/fight with one of the strongest guy in class. I think I was 9 or 10 years old. The basic skills I picked up back then helped me to develop improvised self defense skills of my very own. It's where most of my confidence comes from, knowing I could defend myself if someone were to attack me.

It doesn't quite work as well when I'm around nice and kind people though. Then it just makes me feel guilty for considering them potentially hostile. ^///^

p i a n o♬

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Yes -- well, uhrm, only my brother. He didn't exactly teach me it he just said it to me -- just once. "You should stand up for yourself more often."

Yeah, I really should. I let people hurt me and push me around, but I'm extremely tolerant about it. Just part of my DPD, I guess. ::eek::

The weird thing is, my brother was the on who bullied me as a kid. Her would be nice at times but then he would get pretty violent, hitting me and twisting my arm. I would cry, but not in front of him. Though at times I couldn't help but let all my tears pour out. So I was just confused, how the heck am I supposed to know if he's going to just play it nice or get all violent??

He still does it today, but he hurts me less, more verbally now and psychically at times. I'm fine though. ::eek:: He doesn't do it as often.


Well-known member
My mom is shy and scared to stand up for herself and I think I learned by example... My dad used to tell me all the time to solve any bullying problems with violence lol. He loves martial arts and if he ever heard about an incident where I was bullied he would demonstrate for like an hour about what moves I should have used the beat up the bully! I never used his advice... I'm not against defending myself but I'm not going to throw the first punch.


Well-known member
My parents never taught me anything. I didn't even learn any life skills from them. I do wish that they pushed me to do better back when I was still in highschool. Heck I wasn't even taught how to drive properly, took me 2 trys to get my license when I was 18. My dad always has an attitude whenever I try to talk to him, and my mom always just changes the subject whenever I try to talk to her and then she walks away. It's like my family doesn't wanna know me.
Absolutely not.
My mom, who raised me, taught me nothing about how to survive and be independent. I struggle to this day and may never break out. It's hard to break what and how you've been raised, even if you know after the fact, it's hard to actually do.
My mom seems oblivious to the fact that people just aren't nice. People step on you to gain ground. And you have to. You have to lie to be accepted. It's probably rule #1 in an interview for hire, but I only learned this recently, and lack the skill to put it to good use.
It's just too hard for me to care much anymore. I let life go by. It goes, I sit and watch.


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I come from a very non-violent family, in fact I don't even have many relatives who were ever in the military or police or such professions, they're not anti-violent hippies, but they never taught me to stand up for myself. I taught myself to stand up for myself.


Well-known member
It doesnt take parents to make you realize things.. You're better off making a man out of yourself instead of having your parents shaping who you are..
I wasn't taught to stand up for myself, so I got bullied for weight, how I dressed, not wearing make up, being in the Challenge program, and developping early(yea, i literally got made fun of for having nice tits)

Oh, and then my first boyfriend sexually abused me for 8 months. I never learned how to stand up for myself, so even though I said no he was still able to manipulate me into doing things for him again and again.


Well-known member
i think the fact that a child gets bullied shows that the parents didnt do their job right,
so no,they didnt


No my mom would just tell me to ignore them. Of course this didn't help and made things worse. So no she didn't. My dad just pointed out all my flaws and how I should change who I was.