Would you last in jail?


if I ever got arrested and locked up for something I would likely freak out so bad Id be ramming my head into the bars!!!! Being confined like that is one of my bigger fears!!!!

would you last?!?!?!


Alot of my old mates ended up getting sent down,I frequently expressed that I didnt think I would cope well if I ever did.I actualy got in trouble a while back about a year ago and I could of got jail time.I have to admit it was really stressfull having to go court.Luckily I only got a years probation.


Well-known member
I wouldn't survive it at all. I'm sure I'd have a mental breakdown from it & immediately be transfered to the nearest mental hospital lol.


Well-known member
i'm pretty sure if at this point in my life, i was pulled over for speeding, i'd freak and be like "i'm having a panic attack right now.. because you're standing here.. and i just want to be at home... and i think i'm going to puke" haha

anytime i've been pulled over before though, i was just pissed!! my only tickets were 76 in a 45, and 60 in a 30... which is BS! once cop asked me "what the hell are you doing? you shouldn't be driving that fast unless your eyeballs are falling out!" and i was like ...wtf? would YOU be driving if your eyeballs were falling out? dumbass! lol


Well-known member
If I even had the metaphorical balls to commit a crime, my daddy is a lawyer so hopefully I'd get off the hook somehow. ::p:
"It's not what you know, it's who you know" as they always say.


Well-known member
Not that I would do anything to call for a night in jail, but I think I could pull it off. Any longer then that I don't know.


Well-known member
This is sort-of off topic lol. But I worry sometimes of being questioned by the cops because of how I behave when around them. I've never committed a crime in my life (except for when I stole gum at three lol ::p:, & my mom made me take it back to the store), but when I'm around a cop or a security guard, my anxiety increases so highly to the point that I know I seem very suspicious to them. I worry about them seeing my behavior & assuming I committed a crime & questioning me about it. I pretty much know it's pure paranoia lol, but i still worry about it.
I'm pretty big, but I know that alone wouldn't protect me. I do have a fear of going to prison, like most. Especially because of my mind - being confined, minimal contact, only thoughts and fears... oh, wait, that's my life now.


Well-known member
I thought for sure I was going to be sick and have to go to the emergency room (thankfully I did not). There was much more detail about this story but this is the basics of it. Where I am getting at with this is that we were in a different state (most states here don't like out of staters) and I had prescription medication not in the proper container that also belonged to someone else (felony) here in Kentucky and on top of that was pulled over for speeding in my friends moms car. It could have been disastrous. We would have both went to jail and spent at least a week and then have to go all the way back down there for court. And never even got to go to the beach. We were at the beach for a week and it took me every bit of the first 2 or 3 days to recovy from this incident.

You're very lucky, I'm glad nothing worse happened :). I sort-of know this guy who was arrested for not having his own prescription in it's original bottle & spent two or three days in jail because of it. I've always worried about my mom getting arrested because she takes her medicine out of this pill case she carries around with her & takes it right in public in front of people. I'm always worried some cop or security guard will see her do it & arrest her. None of it's narcotic (her diabetes pill, a blood thinner, & tylenol), but that won't matter to them. They would still arrest her. Now that I take meds myself, I sometimes have a few klonopin in my purse, even though I know I shouldn't keep it there & could be arrested for it. It makes me even more paranoid when I see them lol.