Well-known member
This is getting a little bit off-topic, but I wanted to point out that I think you're essentially correct in that life is not about guarantees or if you do thing A you'll get reward B. Bad things happen to good people; good things happen to bad people. Is that discipline? Probably not. It's just luck and how things have played out. (I don't believe in fate.)Right, luck rules the world. Too bad we aren't taught that though. Instead I was given "The Karate Kid" syndrome which states that if you are disciplined and work hard all good things WILL happen for you. Not true!!! And when it doesn't happen THEY will say "well, you didn't work hard enough" or "you didn't work at the right thing." It ALWAYS comes down to YOU and I call BS! The fact that we exist at all has to do with completely with external forces but once I am born now my existence is all my doing? I think not. What about people who are killed in natural disasters? They willed that on themselves by not working hard enough? If we are responsible for the creation of our own good luck then are we also responsible for our own bad luck? If so, what were the victims doing wrong the morning of 9/11/2001?
I will say that if you do want something, you have to put some work into it. If you want to go out and buy a burrito, then you have to put some effort in yourself. What are the chances of you getting one sitting at home watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond in your underpants? Close to 0%, right? If you put pants on and leave the house to go to Taco Bell, the chances are higher because you're working on it.
I realise that's a lame example, but I hope I'm getting my point across. I do agree with you that life is a lot about luck and right-place-right-time kind of thing, but that luck can increase if you're taking steps to put your dreams into fruition, whatever they may be.