why do girls play hard to get?


Well-known member
When women play hard to get, I play somewhere else. I don't see the point in playing games, so if they're not interested....

Either that or I go home and get my bow. I'm a terrible shot, but at least it makes things interesting. ;)


Well-known member
worthy ..... were all looking for our ideal partner , so yea i soppose thats right , its not worthy its compatible methinks ....

well since you have more experience in the matter I'll take your word for it!


Well-known member
When women play hard to get, I play somewhere else. I don't see the point in playing games, so if they're not interested....

Either that or I go home and get my bow. I'm a terrible shot, but at least it makes things interesting. ;)

Don't forget your wings.


Well-known member
Don't forget your wings.

I forgot all about them! But I've noticed that most women don't appreciate it when I swoop down and kick them in the head. They don't like my arrows either, but at least they never hit anything. I mean, anything that I was intending to hit....



Well-known member
girls are so damn confusing! lol. so how long should i "play her game" before she decides to give me a chance? or, should i just move on to another girl?


Well-known member
girls are so damn confusing! lol. so how long should i "play her game" before she decides to give me a chance? or, should i just move on to another girl?

Depends on how badly you want her. If you show disinterest at the game playing and move on it could prompt her to change tactics to get your interest back. Then you have the upper hand.

You could be pursuing someone with no avail but once you stop giving her the attention she'll want you more whether or not she's really interested.

I think that's how women work *scratches head*


Well-known member
I enjoy saying no to women before they have had a chance to say no to my lack of interest.

Relax ladies, I'm not interested, it's only my anxiety.
Maybe I am just weird, but I am a girl and I don't understand why girls do it!? I see it as a bit cruel.:confused:
Or maybe I am just over sensitive?:rolleyes:
Why tease/play games with a guy if you like him!?!?:confused:


Well-known member
I've never pursued a girl, but if I made the effort and she played 'hard to get' I would just assume that she wasn't into me, and I'd back off.

Wouldn't playing 'hard to get' just chase off the non-pushy guys in favor of those who can't take no for an answer? Not the sharpest strategy in the world, IMHO.


Well-known member
The problem is people don't like to be honest with each other. Both parties are too busy lying and not being themselves in order to appear attractive to the other. Its all guesswork. I don't play hard to get or easy I just want to play honest.


Well-known member
I'd rather be honest and alone than worry about the day she finds out I'm not who I made myself out to be. And she will find out.

So far it's working out great. I'm still alone, and I'm still honest about it.



Well-known member
i don't play hard to get unless i just don't want to be gotten, aka i don't like the guy.. ha.. if i don't want to have anything to do with you, i'll just ignore your texts/calls but be civil if i end up seeing you out in person.... otherwise, i just play myself and expect the same from the guy, if i see that he's being dishonest or just acting like a dumbass or something, i'll start the ignore-the-sh!t-out-of-him phase so he'll get the message...