My girlfriend lost her father in January. I lost my grandfather 10 days later. (On the day of her fathers funeral) My girlfriends older sister passed away a few days ago, (she was only 21) My parents are possibly losing their house soon (I live with them) My dad is having trouble getting work, and my mother has Fibromyalgia, making it near impossible for her to have a job. (She hasn't had a job for 6 years) My older brother, his wife, and her two kids also live in our house with us. Their too busy trying to save up money to move, so they can't help very much with my parents money problems. Not to mention, my sister-in-law is pregnant with a 3rd kid. I feel responsible for the money problems, because my SA has kept me from getting a job. And on top of the funeral, an extremely upset/depressed girlfriend, the chaos of a 2 and 4 year old, and a sick mother, my parents car was repossessed today. I feel like it's 100% my fault, because even a full time, minimum wage job, could have gotten the bills caught up with a little time.