Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
^Society deems it a norm to go out and be social which usually entails drinking. Facebook is a constant reminder, even though i don't have fecebook when i visit my sister she's showing pictures of her friends partying and being social.


Well-known member
Thats why I dont have facebook. Dont want others from school to see how i pretty much have nothing going on, while theyre all out partying and posting pictures of themselves with friends having fun.


Well-known member

* My social life SUX.

*My best friends mom died yesterday. (makes me more sad than depressed though)

*being bullied out of my energy. Even in post-grad.

*My sister is home-ridden with a fractured spine.

I've lost every ounce of faith in my education. I avoid college as much as I can.

Probably no one gives a damn. But pouring it out here kinda soothes me. :)


Well-known member
Everything indicates that I can't do it. I keep trying but it's harder everyday.

My career seems to go nowhere, I won't be able to find a job because I'm terrified of interviews, my social life doesn't even exist, I think some of my classmates (with whom I go home in the same train) noticed that I'm depressed and they started treating me differently, it seems like I can't find joy anymore anywhere, I don't know what I want from life, I don't know what I'm gonna do, I don't even know what I like anymore. I'm confused. And it kills me that alot of people have worse, real problems and they seem to be.. even happy. I want to be like them, I want to be strong. But I'm a weak person. I don't know what's my problem. Probably I'm just making a mountain out of a molehill. Or maybe I'm just plain stupid. Who knows.

I'll keep trying, but everyday I'm more unaware of why I do it.


New member
i usually get depressed from time to time. right now im feeling good and positive. i quit my job,i was happy then i felt down cause i feel like people without a job are nothing. but i learned alot from that and it was stupid thinking. but when your depressed negative thoughts just slide into your mind and you believe them. theres alot i have to learn still and understand but im proud of myself from everything ive been through:D


Well-known member
No one commented on my blog.Things seem scrambled right now. I'm not perfect. My grades are taking a kick. And my governor may be president...


Well-known member
Having a mixed period (rapid cycling of up and downs with the majority being downs). A girl I thought I liked has shown a whole other side to herself, and now I am having serious doubts about my feelings for her. To make things worse she is giving me a lot of mixed signals ranging from being my true soul-mate to ignoring me completely just within a few days time and without any warning or reason. My father who's had three heart attacks suddenly opted to give me and my sister a lot of money and I am worried that there is something seriously wrong with his health. My financial situation is better than ever and I can pretty much afford anything I want at the moment, but having all this money gives me nothing, I feel just as hollow as ever. To top it off my insomnia has returned and this just a few weeks before I am getting back to work (hopefully).


Well-known member
People who have no business involving themselves in my life are causing unnecessary drama and chaos. I REFUSE to rise to the bait but it takes SO much energy to keep my dangerous side under control that I have nothing left to keep the depression away


Well-known member
I just went to a class that I am way behind in. It's a part of my major, and I just keep painfully realizing that it's not for me at all. This is the third major I've tried and I'm failing yet again. Honestly I almost broke down in class and had to leave.

Overall I've been horribly unmotivated for a while now. All I want to do is lay in my room.

I have never sought help for any of this but I am pretty certain I could be "officially" depressed. I called my mom about it but she has yet to call me back. (She takes meds for depression and I figured maybe she could recommend a doctor/therapist to me)


I don't know who I am. I act like a totally different person depending on my environment, so I have like 5 random personalities.


Active member
My girlfriend lost her father in January. I lost my grandfather 10 days later. (On the day of her fathers funeral) My girlfriends older sister passed away a few days ago, (she was only 21) My parents are possibly losing their house soon (I live with them) My dad is having trouble getting work, and my mother has Fibromyalgia, making it near impossible for her to have a job. (She hasn't had a job for 6 years) My older brother, his wife, and her two kids also live in our house with us. Their too busy trying to save up money to move, so they can't help very much with my parents money problems. Not to mention, my sister-in-law is pregnant with a 3rd kid. I feel responsible for the money problems, because my SA has kept me from getting a job. And on top of the funeral, an extremely upset/depressed girlfriend, the chaos of a 2 and 4 year old, and a sick mother, my parents car was repossessed today. I feel like it's 100% my fault, because even a full time, minimum wage job, could have gotten the bills caught up with a little time.


Well-known member
I'm still pretty bummed about not getting the job at Barnes and Noble. I'm still waiting for the manager at Fresh and Easy to give me a call and let me know whether or not I got the job. I can only hope that it goes in my favor.


I don't know who I am. I act like a totally different person depending on my environment, so I have like 5 random personalities.

I can relate to this. Maybe not to that degree, but the acting and definitely FEELING different, depending on my environment..... Everyone acts different in different situations, that's only natural. But when your personality seems to completely change........ Yeah, I know how it feels.