Why are we forced to live


Well-known member
I don;t know I sometimes wonder this thought my self but Then I think ok I am alive maybe I didn;t ask for it but here I am anyway might as well make the best of it.
There is existence and there is nothingness. We had nothingness before being born. We will have nothingness once we die. That short period of time between those two moments is the only time that we can have existence. So live a life that's worth living
Not necessarily. I tend to view death as simply a different kind of existence or life.
We have this AMAZING thing up in our heads. It's a real pity that very few people on earth know how to use it properly. There is, i believe, even for people like us, the potential for HUGE gains in life. So get learning people!!!
Since you have no choice then you have to live with it. Now you still have choice. You can choose to be happy or choose to be sad. You have to find a goal in life so that you have hope to live on. You have to motivate yourself more often. Motivation book like "The Secret" helps.

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We aren't forced to live. Living is a choice. We all have the choice to exist or die.

We also have the choice to live. I think Jewel said it really well with the Wilde quote, there's a huge difference between merely existing and really living.


Well-known member
Maybe we did choose to live, but we were just miss-sold the product. Like when the salesman says "Oh sure, it's a great gaming pc", you get it home and it can barely open internet explorer.

Sometimes I like to think life is a game that we all signed up for but we forgot when we were young (like how we forget everything around the time we're born), so it seems real. Read some interesting theories about it, related to space travel. (We're apparently hooked into some virtual reality so we don't go insane while traveling the huge distances in space, that sort of thing. It's fun to read)
That´s a really interesting and somewhat fun perspective on life man lol. To see life as a videogame is kind of comforting to me. Maybe life is not that important. I think that maybe we give too much importance to our life situation: our status, bank account, job situation, number of friends...etc. Maybe we just need to relax about it and try to just let go a bit.

Our lives are so insignificant in this vast universe that we shouldnt worry so much. I think we should try to focus in the little beauties, the small pleasures, our small victories and try to forget the idea that we´re losers. There are some concepts in our minds and we have to question. What defines a loser? Why do we have so much urge to succeed? What is success in life anyway? To have money? a good career? to raise a family? to have many friends? to get a girlfriend? to lose virginity, etc? People have that and have depressions, problems and suffering in the same way so...

I think we are taking part of an epic voyage and the mistery of not knowing what next is somewhat compelling and exciting to me. Some of you may think there is nothing after death, that we become nothing, ok thats a valid theory, but remember that if we became from nothing, then you´re assuming that "nothing" can create something after all, so there´s always hope there will be something ;).

Let´s just relax, chill out and take our time. Let´s not rush things. We´re in a trip here, let´s enjoy it as much as we can at our own pace. It´s like reading a book, we don´t want to skip chapters. Let´s hope our next chapter will be more interesting and fascinating, but for now we just need to be patient and enjoy the ride.
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We aren't forced to live. Living is a choice. We all have the choice to exist or die.

This makes it sound so simple, but if it were that simple I may not be here right now. Or at least, I would feel more comforted knowing I could choose to leave at any time. But dying isn't easy, I don't care what anyone says. It's not just a simple choice of: hmm, should I live or should I die? Suicide is frightening and because most people don't have access to some kind of concoction that would take them away painlessly, they must resort to more violent methods. It's just awful.

I feel like, if every human being is really truly given the choice to live or die, we should be provided with a painless and peaceful method to, well, kill ourselves with, should we so desire to. I realize that raises all kinds of issues, but it still comes back to this: do we not supposedly have the choice to live or die? So why, if we want to die, must we resort to painful and terrifying methods? Methods that often leave people still alive but damaged in some way. It's awful.

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This makes it sound so simple, but if it were that simple I may not be here right now. Or at least, I would feel more comforted knowing I could choose to leave at any time. But dying isn't easy, I don't care what anyone says. It's not just a simple choice of: hmm, should I live or should I die? Suicide is frightening and because most people don't have access to some kind of concoction that would take them away painlessly, they must resort to more violent methods. It's just awful.

It's difficult for me to respond properly to this as I feel like it would be irresponsible to refute the idea that there aren't readily available methods for a painless suicide..

That aside, it really is that simple. If you don't want to live, you have the option to opt-out of life. Nobody is forcing your hand to live.

Some suicide attempts do end with non-fatal results. The majority of these are actually parasuicide attempts*. Most people who intentionally end their lives precede their suicide with at least one parasuicidal attempt. People who undertake a parasuicidal experience can often decide that they rather genuinely want to live.

This may seem controversial, but I believe that if you really have the conviction to take your life, you're going to do it eventually. If you're that desperate for death, you'll do it.

Some of the people who make parasuicidal gestures, or those who simply express the wish to die are often experiencing a great deal of pain, and they're struggling for a way to end the pain. To end our pain, however, doesn't necessarily mean we need to end our lives. What you're advocating is a quick (and as so many people have said, permanent) solution to a temporary problem. Sometimes people are so clouded by pain they present themselves a false dilemma and don't see other options available to them.

I feel like the fear of pain that some people describe is more likely the fear of death itself.

There are also essentially three options here. You can simply exist, miserable, wanting to die (that is your choice). You can take your own life. Or you can really live your life, make changes and facilitate your own recovery.

Again, nobody is forcing anyone to live.. if someone is prevented by their fear of pain/death that is again their choice.

*Somewhere in the region of 10% of parasuicide attempts go on to become successful suicides.

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^It's not death itself that scares me as much as it is the pain of whatever method. So I disagree.

It makes me angry when people say "well, if you really wanted to die, you'd have done so by now", or some variation of that. I just don't think it's true. Fear of physical pain is a powerful thing, and some people have really low pain thresholds.

But agree to disagree, I don't have any good arguments and I'm too lazy to respond to the whole post anyway :p


Well-known member
Not necessarily. I tend to view death as simply a different kind of existence or life.

Death by definition means that you stop living, hence death cannot be another kind of life, it is the end of existence.

Now, if you are Christian, that's not death, that's rebirth, which is another story.


Well-known member
I am good at whining about odd, silly, everyday things; especially on SPW. But eventually I get over it and move forward. Sure, I've made some dumb choices but who hasn't?

I don't think anyone is being forced to live. And we are all in the same boat, eventually we all are going to die. I think you can choose whether your existence here on Earth is good, bad or ugly - to an extent. Exceptions would be disease, etc. Even then, in some cases, there are exceptions to the rule.

hope this makes some sense....I tend to ramble as well :D


Well-known member
I've thought long and hard about it and no I do not. Life, if nothing else has potential, Death has no potential.

What makes you SO sure that death has no potential? There are a lot of people living wretched and miserable lives and aren't going anywhere. The thought that an afterlife might provide them with some relief is obviously going to be on their minds.

At the end of the day I think it's their decision. And since nobody knows what will happen afterwards, nobody can judge whether it's a good or a bad decision.

Just remember, those people who do love you WILL suffer. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, and I do think in 99% of cases there's probably a better way.


Well-known member
What makes you SO sure that death has no potential? There are a lot of people living wretched and miserable lives and aren't going anywhere. The thought that an afterlife might provide them with some relief is obviously going to be on their minds.

At the end of the day I think it's their decision. And since nobody knows what will happen afterwards, nobody can judge whether it's a good or a bad decision.

Just remember, those people who do love you WILL suffer. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, and I do think in 99% of cases there's probably a better way.

Wait, lets say that there is an afterlife. So what? We're just back at square root.

Someone is miserable.

He dies, and finds himself in a new life, an afterlife.

What's to say that he won't be unhappy in this new existence?

Thing is, if you choose death over life, you shouldn't expect death to be a new life, or else it's just choosing life over life, which is saying nothing.

That's why Christianity makes no sense. Is there an afterlife to heaven? If everyone is happy in heaven, is no one happy?

That's like asking if God created the Universe, who created God?


Well-known member
SWN, thats a circular arguement. One that wont be solved here. The bottom line is everybodys beliefs, or lack thereof, are valid. Conflicting or not.

You seem quite angry on this topic, and on a simliar one, if you dont mind my saying.


Well-known member
There's no guarantee that the afterlife (if there is one) will be any better, but if you're in a situation where you're willing to take your life, where you feel like your life has no value, then you'd probably think it's a gamble worth taking. You say you'll be back at square one! Again, HOW do you know? Maybe they'll end up in some dimension where infinite and eternal happiness exists. And how will you know that you're happy. Well, you won't wish for death for starters.

My main point here is that nobody knows what happens after death and therefore has no right to judge. And I don't see what's so ridiculous about an afterlife to an afterlife. Maybe it's an eternal cycle...

Wait, lets say that there is an afterlife. So what? We're just back at square root.

Someone is miserable.

He dies, and finds himself in a new life, an afterlife.

What's to say that he won't be unhappy in this new existence?

Thing is, if you choose death over life, you shouldn't expect death to be a new life, or else it's just choosing life over life, which is saying nothing.

That's why Christianity makes no sense. Is there an afterlife to heaven? If everyone is happy in heaven, is no one happy?

That's like asking if God created the Universe, who created God?

Dark angel

Well-known member
I dont know:confused: I'm wondering the same thing right now. Sometimes I like to think that we have a purpose here but I hate the fact of not knowing exactly what am I meant to do with my life.