Why are celebrities newsworthy?

Tiger's divorce, Sandra's split from Jesse, Kate and Jon, Kim Kardashian, Snookie, Lindsay Lohan's lesbian lover/meltdown/rehab/jailtime...

I don't even read the articles, yet I know what's going on with these people.

I want to hear indepth stories about what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine, the flooding in Pakistan, Haiti, the latest in China, Iran and North Korea.

Yes, I do go online for news and enjoy BBC and Al Jazeera, but for those of you who are far more intelligent and politically savvy than I will ever be, I'd like you to please explain why US media insists on keeping us in the dark about what most other countries hear about daily in their respective news media.


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yeah, i think it's "the peoples" fault...

anyway, on the same note as 'celebrities', i think their rich asses need to be donating and spending a lot more to better the country and health of other countries.. maybe all the dolce and gabana, gucci, fendi and yves saint laurent profit should go to charity or something, haha! not to mention makers of $100,000+ cars! lol


People like to poke their noses into other peoples affairs and would rather gossip about some lame actor rather than issues that actually matter....takes too much brain power to care...
I don't care much about news. Less about celebrity news. Actor/Actress does this. All that cash and you chose to do that?

Local news seems to be an exception. Big guys: doesn't make cash don't show.


Well-known member
Exactly. I feel the same way. I've always wondered why the media loves to focus on the smallest aspects of a famous person's life more than it explores the many other things that are going on in our society. Wouldn't it be better if we get mainstream news that talk about and explain mental disorders in a positive way, or about learning to be compassionate, or interviewing people that have made a real difference to society, not on some slutty celebrity's sexcapades that hog the headlines day after day for WEEKS!


Well-known member
thats the media for you. they only want to make money out of people. invading privacy and selling gossip magazines to the mass public.

im 18, and thats what most teens my age want to know about -_- i wish they would show the much more interesting and important things in life, like for example people like engineers and scientists who happen to to be affecting the world in a better pespective than celebrities or models :l
Basically I think it's because most peoples lives on a daily basis are boring and they know it, so when something bad or good happens to someone they think that has an exciting life they want to be in their shoes, because of their unhappy life, same rules apply for dramas on tv.

The person watches it because they think their life is boring and wish for their life to be exactly like the drama.

Sad fact that most people are unhappy with themselves and don't even know it.


Well-known member
They're not "newsworthy." The news just happens to report on them 'cause they draw in the cash. XD


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I want to hear indepth stories about what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine, the flooding in Pakistan, Haiti, the latest in China, Iran and North Korea.

I agree. I don't understand our fascination with certain people gaining 10 lbs or cheating on each other....just don't get it....


Well-known member
Leave it to America to do these types of things. It's a shallow country. Can't expect much more out of 'em. And unfortunately, that's where I live. :/


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Personally speaking, nobody gives a sh1t.... But they just keep pumping news about them like there's no tomorrow..