Who hates their smile?

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
hey! this is an interesting thread. i dont like the way my teeth look, i dont know why so i always prevent myself from smiling too big and i cover my mouth with my hand if i laugh. i wish i didnt care! its a pain, so me too

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
I hate mine to death, as it looks like a bad copy of The Joker´s...that means I give the creepy effect without the coolness, go me ;D


Well-known member
I have tetracycline stained teeth. Back when I was growing up in the 70's, they didn't understand that those antibiotics were causing teeth of children to be stained permanently down to the dentin layer below the enamel. Nothing can be done about the yellowed / brown look to my teeth except for veneers that can be applied to the teeth. But the veneers are too expensive and too destructive to the integrity of the teeth. They would have to grind down my teeth to just a post in order to put the veneers on just to make them look pretty...??? For me, vanity isn't worth the price of loosing the integrity of my teeth. I plan on keeping these teeth for as long as I possibly can. The only thing I don't like is my smile, so I rarely smile at anyone. Most people take me for being asocial which is a byproduct of SA and my smile I guess??? They think I hate everyone because I don't smile. That isn't true, I love pretty ladies! And would like one someday.


Well-known member
My smile is lopsided. In fact and entire side of my face is off: one eye is always more closed than the other, the same pupil is always more dilated, my eyebrow above it is scared because a childhood accident, and it goes right down to my mouth where it takes conscious effort to keep my smile evenly, so I don't smile.
Smile like you freakin' mean it

I don't smile because I think it's ugly, but I guess not because I hate the smile itself. I don't like the way it makes my face look when I smile, so that's why I refuse to do it. I don't think I can smile because of my nose and cheeks, but mostly nose. The only smile I'll ever do is a weird sunken in cheek smile, or a teeth gritted one, which probably looks even stupider anyways.


Well-known member
I don't hate my smile when I can actually smile the RIGHT way. The problem is that rarely happens. When I get nervous, my face is literally paralyzed and my smiles look so aggressive and unattractive.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
whos got a chipmunk cheek smile!


Well-known member
I HATE MY SMILE! I can't smile with my mouth open either because that's even worse. So I just look miserable in pictures, and I hate getting my picture taken by people. Eek :(


Well-known member
I don't mind mine all that much actually, my teeth were really messed up at one point but then I got braces which I hoped I would never do but it's worth the wait, now they are almost perfectly straight and people say they like my smile so I grew to like it.


Active member
i hate my smile to , and i have smile wrinkles.. I cover my mouth when I laugh or smile with my mouth open .. i look so ugly when i smile :(


I hate my smile! My teeth have a gap. It's brought my confidence down a lot. Sometimes I wont even talk because I don't want to show them. I think fixing them and having a better smile will help my SA...maybe only a little


Well-known member
I don't like my smile. My eyes close a bit because of my cheeks. I don't like it. And I can rarely genuinely smile in photos so it just looks bad.


Well-known member
Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. People compliment me on it, but I think it makes my face look 10 times fatter than it really is (and it's already round and chubby, so you could only imagine).