Who hates their smile?


Well-known member
Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It depends on how it looks, how I look in the pic, if they look white, etc.


Well-known member
I don't like smiling,I think that I can't even smile,it looks weird and unnatural,gives that "yeah,whatever" smile,my teeth arent straight either,but i manage to cover my teeth with my upper lip (god,thanks for that,lol.)
So I can only be grumpy or laugh (you can barely see my teeth when i laugh,still,my mouth is wide open.) :D


Well-known member
I don't like my smile either, it looks fake.
I always look really worried in photos. The only time when my smile looks real is when i find something funny, then it looks genuine.
I hate people taking photos of me because of this, i always look so awkward.


Well-known member
whos got a chipmunk cheek smile!

I do!! you should see my pics in my profile.. smh i hate them because i can only look cute with them and never hot.


Well-known member
Aw, it's sad reading people hate their smile. :/
I used to dislike my smile, but that's because I had crooked teeth and I've since gotten Invisalign and I'm a lot better. so yeah, I smile a lot more confidently now.


Well-known member
I have two smile related problems:
1. I feel deeply uncomfortable doing it around other people.
2. I look like a right gobsh1te when I do it :)

My teeth are far from perfect too so I'm lucky I live on this side of the Atlantic where people don't seem as obsessed with perfect teeth as Americans are. :)


Well-known member
I don't know. Sometimes I think smiling makes my face look fat.

And also, the left half of my jaw is smaller than the right and I'm worried that people will notice that my face isn't symmetrical. Even though no one does, except for my ******* of an oral surgeon.
I think you could count the number of photos that exist with me smiling on one hand and still have a finger left! I hate smiling because I think it makes my nose look bigger:(


I hate mine, like a few people already said it tends to make my face look fat, not to mention my teeth are horrible. I rarely smile in photographs because it always winds up looking forced or just plain ugly, as a result I always end up looking angry in photos.


actually I think if I have a genuine smile it looks good. But if I have to force it, or consciously make it, it comes out messed up... and kinda childish/unmanly if you ask me. Or just plain fat... or like one side is higher than the other.. or it's just uneven, assymetrical.


Well-known member
wow, im glad to see im not the only one who hates their smile. Well my smile is ok sometimes, but when showing teeth it looks horrible. I think my teeth are way too big for my mouth and they are just shaped weirdly. But my teeth used to be really crooked and I had braces for about 2 years, that really helped lol. I know id be more confident about my smile if my teeth didnt look so huge.

well actually, smiling isnt my only problem. Having to talk sucks too. Because you can see my teeth.. So not only do I have to worry about just talking in the first place because of my social anxiety, but I have to worry about how retarded my teeth look while im talking. it sucks
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