Which kind of guy do girls go after most?


Well-known member
Just curious: The sweet/ shy guy, The bad ass, The nerd, The complete *******, The slut, or The Intellectual


Well-known member
Just curious: The sweet/ shy guy, The bad ass, The nerd, The complete *******, The slut, or The Intellectual

Attractive ones, and attraction comes in many different forms I guess!

But if I had to choose from the choice given hmm.... I'd say "the bad ass"


Well-known member
depends on the girl , some like shy , some like confident , some want a little danger , same as blokes , were all diff ..... but long term someone that likes doing the same things as you , will lead to a long term romance :) if you meet someone that you think is hot and she thinks your hot , it will be sex sex sex , but then when that wears off , what have you in common :confused: nothing so then you will split ... done been there lol , its enjoying doing things together , that keeps you together ;)


Well-known member
depends on the girl , some like shy , some like confident , some want a little danger , same as blokes , were all diff ..... but long term someone that likes doing the same things as you , will lead to a long term romance :) if you meet someone that you think is hot and she thinks your hot , it will be sex sex sex , but then when that wears off , what have you in common :confused: nothing so then you will split ... done been there lol , its enjoying doing things together , that keeps you together ;)

Just summed up my last 2 relationships


Well-known member
"Bad ass" as in Timothy Olyphant in 'Hitman' bad ass? Unfortunately, I've never met that kind of bad ass before. There's probably no such thing. lol

Please. Despite how awesome I think Timothy Olyphant is, especially in Justified now, he doesn't hold a candle to George Thorogood as being a bad-ass.


Well-known member
Girls go after social status. No mature girls are actually attracted to genuine assholes.


Well-known member
I don't see why people can't be a combination of all of those at the same time. Girls are not a group to have the same mentality on every aspect, especially men. So I guess that depends on the person.

I prefer the intellectual/nerd/funny/sweet/sincere/mature & responsible/adventurous/artistic types myself :p.


Well-known member
I think it really depends on the girl.

Everyone is different and there is no specific person girls will go after. Maybe in the statistics, but statistics is just numbers, nothing else.


Well-known member
I'm afraid I have to beg to differ with the guys who are not worth a girl's time...my younger sister is notorious for picking those ones convinced she can change them. She never succeeds.

I think in younger years girls are more likely to try different personalities as most don't know what they want at that age. I dated a musician briefly, then a jock, then a nerdy intellectual. That was in high school. I never looked at labels (clearly) but had an eye out for personality traits. The following might sound a little confusing. Self confidence is nice, but egos are downright repulsive. Being able to see the positive sides of things is good too. This isn't to say if a guy vents he's instantly unattractive, actually it's nice being trusted enough to talk to about personal woes, but someone who can make the best of a situation and smile even when feeling low is appealing. Above all, a kind heart.

I've over simplified this but it's true that every girl is going to be looking for something different.
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^ I'll agree, I never really understood this labeling thing. It never happened in high school for me, everyone was cool to each other. There's the usual fight and segregation of ethnicity but that's about it.

I never really get girls who think they can change douche bags either.


Well-known member
The main traits that are important to me are honesty, open mindedness and a good heart. Of course, it would help if he also likes all the shows I like ::p:


Well-known member
I love a geeky comic book/gamer/film guy =) because then we have more in common. Although i do find something really sexy about blokey guys, especially if their passionate about football haha even though i dont really like it. Weird.


Well-known member
I agree with what most of the girls have said already. It'd be unfair to peg someone with just one label and have that represented all of who they are. It's a combination of them all. 'Cept a slut. No one likes a slut.


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I like intellectual with a tinge of romantic, who is artistic in some way or appreciates art, and who is handy at DIY and roll your sleeves up sorta stuff that would hurt my nails.