when you was a kid


Well-known member
what did you want to be when you grew up ..... i always wanted to be a vet :) dunno what happened to that dream ...
My dream changed on a weekly basis, though it tended to circle around the same basic idea! The ones I remember though:

A librarian (I figured I could read every book in the library, that was my DREAM job)
A bookstore clerk (again, reading ALL THE TIME=heaven)
A teacher
A writer
A colorist for Disney (you know, the people that got to color in the drawings for the movies, lol, I don't know what they're actually called)


Well-known member
A ballerina
A Teacher :eek:
An Actress
Be in a band
An Artist
Working with animals
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A teacher. I did 3 years in college to become one, then changed my mind at the last minute. I let my stuttering get in the way. But I'm not sure if I would want to be a teacher now a days anyways...maybe 50 yrs ago... Now I want to become a dog groomer someday :) Dogs don't mind if you stutter.


Well-known member
I don't remember it myself, but my parents told me that when I was very young I told them I wanted to be a cartoon when I grew up. Apparently I didn't know yet that cartoons were not real people. ::eek::
^Ha, at least you didn't want to be a pony, as my stepdaughter did. She wanted to be a pony from the time she was three until she went to kindergarten and found out that people couldn't be ponies!


Super Moderator
I wanted to make animated movies, like those Disney movies. In fact, I remember writting a lot and making comics and planing to turn them into movies or series someday. I don't know if I kept any of those things... I think I did.


Well-known member
wanted to become a circus acrobat,haha. :)

I think that I also wanted to be a vet for some time,cause I like animals.


octuopus fighter! i always thought they were going to grab us all into the sea or the fishtank, it used to give me nightmares.
but not half as much as the green worms did
I wanted to make animated movies, like those Disney movies. In fact, I remember writting a lot and making comics and planing to turn them into movies or series someday. I don't know if I kept any of those things... I think I did.

You make the movie and I'll color it in :cool: :p

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
still cant spell it, but when i was very little i wanted to be an archeologist. i was 100% convinced the big rock i was slowly digging up in the back of my elementary school was going to turn out to be a t-rex skeleton.