when you was a kid


Well-known member
Hehe i always wanted to be archeolog too after watching Indiana Jones
And dinosaurus always fascinate me, i wish they would stil be alive :D
When i was younger i wanted to marry Dub16 :) - But he turned me down! lol
jokes hehe

I wanted to go in the army.,


Well-known member
I wanted to be a librarian & an author & I still want to do the same thing. I hope that I'm able to but it's going to be very difficult to keep going to school all that time, but I'm going to try.
Lmao I wanted to be a cashier at a grocery store because I loved to press buttons hahah I also wanted to host radio shows


Active member
I always wanted to be a doctor, more specifically I wanted to deliver babies. Considering my views now though its more likely I would become a midwife vs an MD. I am about to start my courses to become a birth doula..the dream still lives on I guess. :D
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