Whats the worst thing about SA?


Well-known member
I cant decide on which makes me the most unhappy:
1. Loneliness
2. Missed Opportunities

They kind of go hand in hand i guess..


Well-known member
The worst thing about SA...hmmm.. I'm acclimatizing to loneliness, I choose missed opportunities. But that's not something that you can't have with SA, you can have those opportunities, although unlike people without SA we have to practice having them.


Well-known member
The worst thing about SA...hmmm.. I'm acclimatizing to loneliness, I choose missed opportunities. But that's not something that you can't have with SA, you can have those opportunities, although unlike people without SA we have to practice having them.

true but SA is almost like a physical barrier that disallows me from attaining them, which then causes loneliness


Well-known member
The worst thing for me is the invisibility of it all. If I was missing a leg, people would notice it and react accordingly.

But I look fine on the outside. A bit pale, chubby, and bald, but otherwise very capable looking. And in most cases a glance won't tell people that they're what's wrong with me. If it wasn't for them, I'd be just fine.

Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. ;)


Well-known member
hmm....probably a toss up between the guilt of all my social failings, or being starved of affection.


Well-known member
I've had so many missed opportunities (romantically and socially)... so many times before I've asked myself, "What if?". Though what really eats away at me is the loneliness I feel sometimes.
Not being able to function. I hate asking, and taking money from other people - and money just so happens to be the one thing I'm desperate for right now.


Well-known member
It makes life kinda unstable.. It's annoying going out with my heart beating wildly and have each expression thought out. When I go out things don't seem to flow smoothly. I think I take longer to do simple things because of being nervous or go too fast it's noticeable :Z a good day is always appreciated


Well-known member
I know the feeling. I often find myself seeing people walk by and wondering how to say "Hi" without being creepy.


Well-known member
Being mistrusful of people whom remind you of (share certain traits or characteristics) people you've had negative experiences with.



Well-known member
Self-doubt here as well. Also, I've wasted a lot of my teenage years with both isolation and excessive drinking.