Well, I guess I'm lucky in that I don't fear giving a speech. I always get nervous, but I welcome it as a challenge and I enjoy writing and practicing the speech beforehand.... hmmm.
I would have to say that my biggest problems with people and my SA would be confrontations/being assertive and pretty much anything negative. If it's not all nice-nice, and I have to address someone with something not exactly positive, I get deathly nervous. Even during a confrontation, when I've had plenty of time beforehand to sort out my thoughts and feelings and decide how I'm going to approach the person, no matter how confident I feel going into the confrontation, I become a shaking mass of jelly, and my voice wobbles and cracks, throat gets dry, heart hammers, and I completely lose my train of thought.... in short, I become a bumbling fool. So humiliating and defeating....
I also have trouble trying to connect with people in general. I try and push myself, but I never feel completely at ease. I'm slowly getting better, though.... VERY slowly..... but I suppose it's progress.
Whoa, sorry for the long post.... sheesh.