What Makes You Feel Better?


Well-known member
What is your comfort? What is the thing that shatters your anxiety or at least helps relieve it? We all have something that helps us get through each day. A hobby, a friend, a mentor, a place...? What is it for you?

For me its animals. My pets mean everything to me. I guess because they don't judge or yell or argue and they're always there for me when I'm troubled. Whenever I'm around animals I barely feel anxious at all even if I'm surrounded by people.


Well-known member
animals,wildlife,walkabouts at midnights with my hounds.all those things make me feel at peace...in the summer it's mowing.:)


Well-known member
This is a great thread, Scared. ^.^

I think what puts me at peace is thinking about the good things in life. Sometimes I'll just look up at the sky and say I'm blessed and thank whatever can hear me for what I have. I walk away in high spirits and with a good attitude.

I'm happy there's people who will take timeout of there day who don't know me to give me comfort. I'm grateful for peoples kindness because I feel I'm undeserving of it.


Well-known member
Listening to good music!!! :D Especially when it makes me dance or rock out... yeahhhh And since I don't have any pets (and I'm not allowed to have them), hugging my teddybear makes me feel A LOT better. :D And when it's nice and warm when the heater kicks in after being freezing cold in my room, yes I feel MUCH bettah!


Well-known member
Listening to good music!!! :D Especially when it makes me dance or rock out... yeahhhh And since I don't have any pets (and I'm not allowed to have them), hugging my teddybear makes me feel A LOT better. :D And when it's nice and warm when the heater kicks in after being freezing cold in my room, yes I feel MUCH bettah!

I know what your saying about the heater. It's FREAKING heaven after a long cold day!!! I need to go to heaters anonymous.


Well-known member
Pets definitely make me feel better. I love seeing my dog greet me or my cat follow me around if I've had a rough day. Just talking to them and cuddling/petting them makes me so much happier.

Reading, cooking, and sometimes just laying on my bed sorting my thoughts makes me feel better too.


Well-known member
Listening to good music!!!
This. Music takes up a lot of my life and I couldn't imagine surviving without it. I enjoy coming home, putting a good CD in and just listening. It's excellent.

Up until August 2010 my cat was someone that would make me feel better. She would scratch at my door and sleep on my bed all day, even with loud music on. She would sit on my lap or curl up under my blanket. Me and her had a little thing going on and she was one of my best friends. Then she died and I lost that connection. We have a new cat now and I love her to bits but it's not the same.
I enjoy playing basketball at the gym even though I don't say a word to anyone else. I've learned to play hard and smart, and other guys just end up talking to me and I begin to loosen up. Sometimes when I have alot of free time I've spent 4+ hours playing even though I end up walking up and down the court alot. But I stay because I develop, I guess, a runner's high and I feel much better and more free. It makes it much easier to talk with people, plus I stay in shape.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Music is like therapy to me. Listening to a good song lifts my spirits up.

Or being outside, surrounded by trees like at the park...or the feel of warm sand on my feet at the beach...watching a beautiful sunset. Nature revives me.

Having long talks with my sister also helps.

And shopping.


Well-known member
1.My dogs and cat.
2.My best friend.
6.Going out and doing stuff. example: Out for dinner, to a thearter, Sir games a lot.. lol
7. Andrew. Well ok he makes me feel crappy and good at the same time lol if that makes sense.
8. Music and movies. They both help me forget about my problems completely, well actually they
all do really.
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Well-known member
Definitely my dogs - they're family to me!

I love listening to music too - and as you can see from my posts I like many different types! :D I especially like to sing while driving in the car or cleaning at home. :eek:

Cooking is also something that I find relaxing.

Oh, and I always feel better when getting kind words from folks on here - makes my day! :)


Well-known member
Cooking is also something that I find relaxing.
I can't relax when I'm cooking. I'm always checking and making sure everything is in order and it can be slightly stressful if it's something I'm not used to making or not good at.

Oh, and I always feel better when getting kind words from folks on here - makes my day! :)
I think you're wonderful and you have a kind heart.

Your day = made. :)


Well-known member
I can't relax when I'm cooking. I'm always checking and making sure everything is in order and it can be slightly stressful if it's something I'm not used to making or not good at.
Bummer! Try not to worry and just think of it as a learning experience. I make plenty of stuff that tastes like crap and have to toss it out!

I think you're wonderful and you have a kind heart.

Your day = made. :)
Awwww! And right back at ya'! :)

You really should consider a career as a counselor - you have great insight into how people are feeling! I can totally see you guiding high school kids!


Well-known member
Bummer! Try not to worry and just think of it as a learning experience. I make plenty of stuff that tastes like crap and have to toss it out!
I do try that, although I get unusually upset when something doesn't turn out and I have to toss it. Because of that, I can't relax when cooking and I have to hope it turns out.

Awwww! And right back at ya'! :)

You really should consider a career as a counselor - you have great insight into how people are feeling! I can totally see you guiding high school kids!
Thanks. I have had that thought but I am not well-adjusted myself, plus at this age I am too young to be taken seriously. I need at least another 10-15 years before that can happen. Maybe in the future, though.