What is the worst physical pain you have ever felt


There isn't really anything that comes to mind for me. I have felt pain before, but I usually forget about it soon after it goes away. I don't recall any time specifically where the pain was so horribly unbearable that I couldn't stand it. I've felt discomfort more than anything else.


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Third degree burns on my right shoulder at the age of seven, followed by severe otitis media this spring.


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When I woke up after my hysterectomy. It felt like how I imagine a screwdriver to the lower belly would feel. The emotional pain was horrible too...27 years old getting a hysterectomy. Ugh.


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Since several people are complaining about braces, I thought I'd share my own unpleasant experiences.

Putting on the brackets wasn't actually painful for me but it really hurt when I clenched my teeth afterwards. I couldn't bite and eat solid food for 2 weeks. At one point I had several ulcers due to friction in my mouth. And not to mention how I got ulcers more often (rubbing salt stings like a bitch but it works). Needless to say, I don't miss my braces. Good riddance.
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Well-known member
I feel like I can top everyone here in number of painful bloody events.

Two that stick out was a couple years ago when I stuck my thumb in a beltsander. Tore the entire thumbnail off, lacerated the nail bed and broke the bone. It wasn't horrible pain, but my crushed thumb dripped..fluids for days.

Probably the worst was when I was little and I needed stitches in my pinky. The shot didn't work (painkillers and shots need double or triple doses to work on me) and I was too nervous to tell them it didn't numb me. So I sat there and got 5 stitches feeling everything. Medieval.


Well-known member
I feel like I can top everyone here in number of painful bloody events.

Two that stick out was a couple years ago when I stuck my thumb in a beltsander. Tore the entire thumbnail off, lacerated the nail bed and broke the bone. It wasn't horrible pain, but my crushed thumb dripped..fluids for days.

Probably the worst was when I was little and I needed stitches in my pinky. The shot didn't work (painkillers and shots need double or triple doses to work on me) and I was too nervous to tell them it didn't numb me. So I sat there and got 5 stitches feeling everything. Medieval.


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I don't know there have been a lot of pretty gnarly beatings and accidents. I guess the worst that I can remember, was when two guys held me down while the third burned my face with a lit cigarette. I have had way worse injuries but that one sticks out as being pretty unpleasant.


Well-known member
but the worst was probably the sciatic nerve pain that resulted from a lower back injury - it was unbearable and totally unrelenting - lasted a couple years

How did you get over it? I'm in year 4 and nobody can help me. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


Well-known member
Benn pretty lucky up till now, nothing major.
A while ago though I had a sort of blister or wart or something, I can't remember what it was, on my toe and I tried to dig it out with a knife...needless to say I went too deep and must have cut a nerve or something, because it bloody hurt for about a week and made it very difficult to walk properly.


Well-known member
How did you get over it? I'm in year 4 and nobody can help me. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

lots of sex - really, i'm not making this up

apparently, all the exercise in that specific range of motion really worked all the kinks out in the right spots - like physical therapy (only more fun)

plus I started eating better and lost a few pounds around the same time


Well-known member
I was in the Royal Artillary for 8 years. I was the sight man. While putting my sights in the gun the other members of the crew spun the barrel and it hit me in the side of the face shattering most of my teeth. I had to have my mouth re-built.


Well-known member
lots of sex - really, i'm not making this up

apparently, all the exercise in that specific range of motion really worked all the kinks out in the right spots - like physical therapy (only more fun)

plus I started eating better and lost a few pounds around the same time

Excellent!! I'll take out an add in the classifieds: Hostile social-phobe seeks physical therapist... I wish someone had told me this years ago.


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excessive bleeding,endometriosis that kept growing back at a ridiculously fast rate....i got to keep an ovary though so no menopause. small blessings;)

but, no more babies for me. i've got one so that's enough.

Oh wow sorry to hear that, at least thats hopefully all gone right?


Well-known member
Got my nose broken while playing soccer. Actually the bone didn't entirely broke and my nose sticked a bit to one side. So the doctor adjusted it just like that.. U could hear the bone cracking while he was doing it lol

This is a great thread btw it's very interesting :D