What instruments do you play?


Well-known member
Hey... Nooo idea if this is of interest to others, but i'm interested!

I play guitar, piano and mandolin.... Hoping to add many more to that list.

How about you guys :) ?


Well-known member
I can play the triangle.

I would love to learn how to play the guitar on day. Never really been able to learn a proper instrument never had the opportunity too.
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I play the guitar.... hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Sorry, it's just "play" is a bit of a stretch.

Strum until i make something remotely resembling music is more apt


Well-known member
I have a Roland keytar. No interest to learn another instrument. I can't read sheet music and never took lessons, but I can play anything by ear, except the really crazy songs.


Well-known member
Flute , guitar (a lil) .... been looking the drums and the keyboards at sam ash lately.... Ooo wait I would also like to play a clarinet and sax...I want to add those to my list.


Well-known member
uhh... lots. haha
I could probably play anything I managed to get my hands on, considering the years and years of various lessons I was forced into as a child.
Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Flute, Piccolo, Ocarina, Trombone, Trumpet, Tenor Sax... and others?
I'm starting Violin lessons in October for a couple of months to learn the basics, since I play by ear.


Well-known member
Mostly electric guitar and bass guitar, though I also have a keyboard, a mandolin, a violin, and a harmonica or two floating around.

Not that I can really play the last two, but it's fun to try sometimes. And I've been meaning to get a classical guitar and some electronic drums for years.

For now I think I'll just stick to my guitars.


Well-known member
Mostly bass. I never had dedicated lessons but I learned a quite bit from various school classes and playing for fun in bands with friends. All the free time you get being a social phobic pays off I guess, I regularly play along to stuff like Jamiroquai or Tower of Power pretty flawlessly. Still feel too inferior to actually start writing or studying music though :(

I also play guitar quite well, and sing. I have good musical ears, I think it came from playing too much Transport Tycoon as a kid and humming to the sweet tunes