What do you want your gravestone to say?


My parents are poor so if I die they'll just toss my corpse over the fence of the cemetery we live next to, to save money.


Well-known member
My parents are poor so if I die they'll just toss my corpse over the fence of the cemetery we live next to, to save money.

Look it on the bright side, not all people get a funeral like that.;) Also with the money they save they can do other things. :)


Well-known member
My Best friend would post, DWIHID.. (Don't worry I'm happier in death.)
We have had this conversation but as for me I'm not sure.


Well-known member
Nothing. I don't want my gravestone to bear any message as I'm not planning on dying!. Immortality is my goal, and, in the words of everyone's favorite comedian, so far so good.


Biological immortality will eventually be possible. Hell, there's a species of jellyfish that is immortal. But nothing will ever make your body impervious to injury, though you could upload your mind to a computer every now and then as a "backup copy" in case anything happens, then if you die your body would be cloned and your mind downloaded.
Biological immortality will eventually be possible. Hell, there's a species of jellyfish that is immortal. But nothing will ever make your body impervious to injury, though you could upload your mind to a computer every now and then as a "backup copy" in case anything happens, then if you die your body would be cloned and your mind downloaded.

Oh I sure do hope so.. But the thing with copies is, it might be just a copy, and not your original awareness.

Same thing with the deconstructive theory of teleportation, it essentially copies you to the other side.. But for all we know, what comes out the other side is a not you at all, but merely a copy that is EXACTLY like you. Meaning that every time you teleport, your awareness dies. Which is freaky, because nobody would ever know, not even the copy itself.

I think that eventually we'll end up in a Matrix type deal (without the hilarious condescending agents that is), where our bodies are perfectly taken care of, when a organs fails, clever machines replace it. Kept fit and healthy even though we maybe never move our entire life's. Our minds in a virtual world space that we will see as reality A reality that we can design after our own needs. It does make sense, you'd be able to become who ever you want to be. Literally anything, anywhere. Not to mention natural laws could be altered there.

After all, reality is only as real is the person perceiving it..

I kinda hope that we'll end up like that. We would be able to do things in there we never foresaw possible. :3
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Well-known member
...I kinda hope that we'll end up like that. We would be able to do things in there we never foresaw possible...

I hope NOT.

I hope we all unplug and start living like the flesh and blood animals we're supposed to be.

Right now.


Will kitties be hooked up to the machines too? I don't want a world without kitties. An immortal kitty would be awesome
I hope NOT.

I hope we all unplug and start living like the flesh and blood animals we're supposed to be.

Right now.

There's always the human ability to choose of course. :3

See it as how we play MMO games today. We can play them if we want to, but we're not obligated or forced to do so.


Well-known member
There's always the human ability to choose of course. :3

See it as how we play MMO games today. We can play them if we want to, but we're not obligated or forced to do so.

Reminds me of the movie Surrogates

Did you see that one?
Will kitties be hooked up to the machines too? I don't want a world without kitties. An immortal kitty would be awesome

Why stop there? Why not bionic kitties while we're at it. :3

But it's hard to say. We probably could I suppose.. if we really couldn't live without our furry little friends. xP


Yeah that one guy didn't have a surrogate and everyone was like "omgwtffbbq!!!!"
I bet when that becomes popular, it'll be like not having a facebook today. People will be like "You NEED to get one" and look at you weird if you don't have one