What do you drive picture thread


Well-known member

1976 Schwinn Varsity converted to Single Speed

Ahhh, I want a fixie!!! I never change gears on my bike anyway :p


Well-known member
Just curious, do most of you have jobs?

I can't afford a car with my income. I too ride the bike, bus and train everywhere.

But I guess you live in regions where a car is pretty much the only transportation.

I have to have a car to get to work. And I have to work in order to afford a car. Go figure.


Active member
Just curious, do most of you have jobs?

I can't afford a car with my income. I too ride the bike, bus and train everywhere.

But I guess you live in regions where a car is pretty much the only transportation.

I got a job but dont make a lot. Basically get paid in gum.

I actually got lucky. I got my car from these shady looking people for 900 bucks. Only thing that was wrong was it had no radio, exhaust was crap, couple of scratches and dents, busted driver side mirror and rear passenger side power window didnt work.

I eventually fixed up all the problems it had.


Well-known member
To answer your job question:

I have a part-time job but in no way I could pay for my own car.
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Well-known member
I live in my Moms basement and fortunatly work full-time, having my own car/s to play with is the glue that holds my frail mind together. When I'm old and loose my license I plan to fly my car off a cliff Thelma and Louise style.


Well-known member
Here is "my" car (really it's my dad's):


'96 Ford Escort LX

It's what I drive most of the time and what I always drive to work.


Well-known member
Im too lazy to find a picture right now but I drive a blue Nissan Versa. It was my sisters until my parents forced me to give my black Nissan ALtima to her. But anyway I dont even drive that much, maybe 3 times a month. I get too scared and afraid to drive.


Well-known member
my broomstick.

but on those days when it's cloudy, I drive my grandpa car, 1994 Buick Century. A b**ch to park ....


Well-known member
Then it's the wagon, the horse just becomes the means of propulsion for the wagon.. You can't drive a living creature, it's called riding and does not qualify for the thread.

Technicalities my friend! It is a thread about what you drive, sure. But if someone rides a horse as their transportation it is the same thing as driving a car. It is like riding a bike. I can't drive a bike but if that is my only means of transportation, I would say it would "qualify" for this thread.

Or at least if you are going to start a thread make sure to post the rules of what people are allowed to post and what they aren't.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Technicalities my friend! It is a thread about what you drive, sure. But if someone rides a horse as their transportation it is the same thing as driving a car. It is like riding a bike. I can't drive a bike but if that is my only means of transportation, I would say it would "qualify" for this thread.

Or at least if you are going to start a thread make sure to post the rules of what people are allowed to post and what they aren't.

I'll give that to you if and only if that horse is a primary means of transportation and is used to go into town and such with..


Well-known member
Well, I was actually also thinking what qualifies as something you can drive? Or something that is driven versus something that is only ridden? Random sort of "philosophical" question.

Because wagons don't have an engine, but you say you can drive a wagon. So if you can drive a wagon you should also be able to drive a horse, because you "steer" horses.