What book are you currently reading?

Im reading "Party of One" its about loners and how they should be more accepted in society. I wouldnt consider myself a loner, but I am an introvert.
Its an interesting topic to read up on..especially if you like your own company sometimes and dont want to be bothered.


Well-known member
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. It's about behavioural economics and what a nerd I am to read it for leisure.


Well-known member
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. It's about behavioural economics and what a nerd I am to read it for leisure.

That sounds interesting to me.

Currently about to finish:


Thinking about getting later today:



Besides Harry Potter, I've hardly read any books in my life. ::p: But this year, I've developed a love for reading and (it's taking me a while but ) I'm halfway through Lord of the Rings and enjoying it immensely. :)


Well-known member
I'm currently about 200 pages into The Pacific by Hugh Ambrose. I'm very glad it doesn't only rehash what was is the miniseries.


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Tao Te Ching

Spiritual. I'm really getting into taoism.
I'm reading it online though. HERE:
Tao Te Ching


I've had that book, along with about 6 other books on various religions for years now. I haven't made it through any of them lol, but "Tao Te Ching" is the one I've read the most of. I really liked a lot that I saw in it.


Active member
"Killing Hope, U.S. military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War 2".. by William Blum.

I highly recommend this book! William Blum brilliantly reveals who the real "terrorists" are. The reality is so incredibly different from the (often Zionist controlled) western media propaganda we have been brainwashed into believing.