What are you thinking (at this exact minute....?)


Well-known member
I am thinking how wonderful it is having friends that actually care about me. I am also thinking that I would like to be more than friends, because I am really getting addicted to this warm fuzzy feeling...The feeling you get when someone other than your immediate family cares for you... WOW, what a rush. I could really get used to this. Of course, I can crush on them without them knowing it too.... Or maybe they do know it? Hmmmm
Ah who am I kidding.. I'm too old anyways...
that i shouldn't be on here when i have another paper to work on.
i want to write messages to people but my brain is too slow.
i hope i can find a good ghost story to read before i go to sleep.
i wonder what this site would look like in orange.


Well-known member
why a girl i like has not spoken to me for like 2 weeks when we have not fallen out or anything....its pissing me off...
I'm thinking.. How on earth did I get like 13 hours of sleep, and where is the sense in that weird dream I had? And uh, will my parents be quieter?


Well-known member
(Megadeth's "Poison Was The Cure" running in mind's background) Still too antsy. Need to get to bed. I hope the dog doesn't wake up before I go up to bed.


Well-known member
Edit: Never mind, I need to stop taking things personally. Especially when I'm manufacturing problems that aren't there to start with.

New thought: Why do we wish for things we can't have?
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Well-known member
Gotta get a job now, even if it's something that's not great but will have money coming in while finding a better job. Sleep tonight. Call job recruiter(s) tomorrow morning. On plus side, I had time to do a few things over the past 2 weeks. Let's go.


Well-known member
that im such an idiot for not going in for that job interview

Hey it's cool - I've done that myself before as I felt the job wasn't right for me. Maybe this was the same for you. Just forget about it and move on to the next one - a job that you would enjoy doing or at least wouldn't hate. And always keep looking even after employed somewhere, as a job that you like better could always come along at any time.