What are you thinking (at this exact minute....?)


Well-known member
ViolationMan said:
I am thinking "God I want to get laid tonight!" :twisted:
umm, right now, i'm thinking..i wanna hot coffee...maybe a 'timmies' not as interesting as what you're thinking :wink:


Well-known member
Ugh... allergies, please let me be. ::(:

Maybe watch a movie tonight with popcorn, that sounds like a plan.


Well-known member
When I clicked on this I was thinking about a girl and wondering what she was thinking about. Now I'm thinking Ralph Wiggum is super cool!


Well-known member
I'm thinking I wish I could finish watching Red Cliff, but it's nearly 1am so I best get to sleep, or I wont be waking up til mid day!

Night SPW! :p ;D


Active member
I am very uncomfortable sitting down in this chair. It has been too long sitting in it, but I cannot really move since I am in a public place with a laptop and I will be going soon anyway since it is closing.


Well-known member
I'm thinking about how much I want to be at some tropical island resort place right now. *sigh* I can dream, can't I?


Well-known member
I am thinking that I am going to die without ever: experiencing love, sex, kissing, having my own home... I am also thinking that being alone really sucks. I lived alone for far too long, but I feel powerless to change this because of fear. Eeek gads, it's time to get my butt ready. I have to get up to my property to spray thistle and mow... Work work work...that's all I ever do is work... :eek: