What are you doing right now?


Well-known member
I'm at work. I've got a lot of things to do that is important, and I am in a complete confusion as to what should happen first.

What I really want to do is to lock myself into a room and pull a blanket over my head.

pause for a while and breathe. one step at a time.

you can do it!

I'm at college right now in the classroom, finally i'm in the back of the classroom, it makes me feel more at ease. :)

I don't have any work though, I have computing lessons right now and I finished everything.. So, but after the break I'll have Dutch classes.. another lesson that I finished already... Ugh. And then English , finally a test :D


Well-known member
Trying to stop sweating from a walk I just took in the glorious weather outside (seriously, it couldn't be any better). Listening to some brand-new music I got, too. Loving it!


Well-known member
Doing a bit of remodeling while the bf is away on a business trip. Err, I hope I don't get in trouble over this one :)
Digesting the potato chips I just ate and trying to distract myself from thoughts I don't want to entertain.


Well-known member
writing my final thesis for graduation and trying to eat all this homework that has piled up lately :p


I'm forcing myself to write a cover letter but I'm too tired. It has been a busy day :) I guess I will put it off, turn tv on and have some tea