What are U do for Living?

Need some help here, Don't want to go all the way and tell the all story, cause get me bored a lot. Just would love to know what people here are doing for living. At the moment I'm out of job and can't be like this to much, getting crazy. Just to don't speak the economic and social damages of it. So I just would like to get some ideas from u! And some feedback of that job on SA...Thanks a lot for the answers, I appreciate!


Well-known member
I work as a sort of web developer. Have to talk a bit to people, especially when people come in or phone up with problems, but a lot of it can be dealt with by email and I can go hours without talking if I don't want to.
College, Therapy (CBT/mindful), Breathing Coach (Hyperv.), Fitness (Friday).

Is my weekly Routine.

And might join a band.


Well-known member
I actually work in customer service for a financial services company. The majority of issues are dealt with via email, which is pretty great. So I just sit at my desk all day listening to my iPod and researching issues and responding to client emails.
I actually work in customer service for a financial services company. The majority of issues are dealt with via email, which is pretty great. So I just sit at my desk all day listening to my iPod and researching issues and responding to client emails.

Sounds pretty neat.


Well-known member
i am a musician. not making too much right now so I'm chopping and delivering firewood part time while i work on my new album.


Well-known member
Auto parts store, mostly shipping and recieving, but I do work on the sales counter a couple days out of the week.


Active member
I used to work in an alternative fashion store...until it closed down. Now I'm back looking for a job again. :/ Glad it shut; it was too target based and stressful for me, but sad that I have no job.


Well-known member
I deliver flowers part-time and live at mommy's house. Unfortunately I'm not making enough to make a living on my own. Trying to get a job in this economy is hell.


Well-known member
nothing. I'm terrified to work. Having work experience next week though. And guess how I feel? TERRIFIED!
Good luck! I did work experience once and I didn't like it.

I am a cleaner at a school and a Police Station. It's stable work but I need more pay. My CV is no good, though, so I'm basically stuck there. Eh, it's good for what it is, though. The Police Station is interesting, if nothing else.


Well-known member
I work in a assembly line,I make more money than the average japanese person,its pretty much the only kind of job that immigrants do here if they arent from an English speaking country or speak perfect Japanese,even then I make more money than those people in most months,though I dont want to work in those kind of jobs all my life.I dream of some day studying again and finding something that I like.
nothing. I'm terrified to work. Having work experience next week though. And guess how I feel? TERRIFIED!

Good luck. Hope you will dance in the work field. I know it's terrifying and scared like hell. I just had to start with college again today so I know how you feel!
You will feel better after a while.... If you just face it though!

I will be checking out Yoga tonight.... I think it would be the greatest method to become more relaxed and calm and find balance between body and mind, and soul. I think being calm and do relaxation is the best ''Natural'' way to reduce or maybe cure anxiety...


Well-known member
Nothing, I don´t do anything for a living. The jobs I´ve had, were very stressfull for me, because of pressure, anxiety, nervousness.
I don´t know if I will ever be able to have a job again.


Well-known member
Im a computer network administrator. My job is good, though i have to put on a front and become someone im not. but ive gotten very good at that and can survive.

When i leave im utterly exhausted. But its kept me going.