Weather reports, please!

I swear Weatherbug thinks we're all idiots.

If it's 90F I don't need to be informed that is "very hot," thank you. How about "sunny" - that would make a lot more sense for a description.


Well-known member
My room is usually very hot during the summer, but this year I didn't even need to turn the fan on, having the window open was enough.


Well-known member
It's getting chilly and raining more frequently. It's a month too early compared to previous years. Also the maximum temperature was like 25ºC, which isn't much either. Really weak summer this year.


Well-known member
Lovey fall weather here. My favorite season. Too bad it's so damn short in this northern climate.

So in the high 70s actually, but the trees are changing. Cool at night in the mid to lower 40s.
Not really Fall coolness but still the summer heat is finally behind us! The summer was brutal.
Early morning despondency clearing in the afternoon to vague, unfounded optimism before fatigue settles in for the remainder of the evening.


Well-known member
First really cold night so far this fall—27° on the F scale—and the stars are crazy brilliant in the sky. Must be something about the atmosphere on a night like this that makes them seem a little closer and brighter, but I'll leave that to the scientists and just enjoy the show.