Weather reports, please!


Well-known member
Unseasonably warm, though with a bit of a nip—mid-fifties or sixtyish, depending on whom you believe. Naked trees stand unashamed under a cloudless sky. This is December, and winter but a week away? I'm not convinced.


Well-known member
Dec. 25: Smoothly overcast, a peaceful shirtsleeve morning. Delicate raindrops spatter on the porch. It's as gray and damp outside as I feel within my soul. Merry? Not the word I would use.


Well-known member
Cold and quarrelsome beneath a steely sky. Fluffy snow-puffs frolic on the wind, then lie amongst their sisters to slumber on the ground. The wrens, I think, would rather it were spring.
I live on the east coast of the US and were being affected by a gargantuan storm. His lovely name is Jonas. So where I am specifically there's about fifteen inches of snow outside. I'm really hoping that this class is cancelled this week, because I don't want to go to do anything but build a snowman tomorrow morning. =D

....and maybe trek to the store to buy some more coffee.
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Freakin humid
Same here. It's 86% humidity right now. It was 90% last night before the storm.


Well-known member
Blue skies outside: bright morning sun casts bare-branch shadows on a light dusting of midnight snow still clinging to the frozen ground.

Inside, cloudy with a chance of rain.